Joseph Rendeiro; (202) 776-1566
NCLR Conference Press Office
(504) 670-5602
Last November, Latino voters generated a game-changing moment in the immigration reform debate that propelled the issue to the forefront of American politics. And today, we see a possibility of passing fair and effective immigration reform this year. But achieving reform will require bipartisan compromise from voices and constituencies on both the left and right to build the political space and pressure to pass legislation.
Join NCLR (National Council of La Raza) for an immigration town hall on Monday, July 22, at the 2013 NCLR Annual Conference, where leading experts, advocates and political strategists will discuss the benefits of immigration reform and look at the road ahead in Congress. Rep. Luis V. Gutiérrez (D–IL), who has been a vocal advocate for reform in the House of Representatives, will also deliver a special address during the town hall.
WHO: Janet Murguía, President and CEO, NCLR (Opening Remarks)
Rep. Luis V. Gutiérrez (D–IL) (Special Address)
Julie Kitka, President, Alaska Federation of Natives
Ana Navarro, Republican Political Strategist
Hilary O. Shelton, Washington Bureau Director and Senior Vice President for Advocacy and Policy, NAACP
Joe Trauger, Vice President, Human Resources Policy, National Association of Manufacturers
Jenny Yang, Vice President of Advocacy and Policy, World Relief
Clarissa Martínez-De-Castro, Director of Immigration and Civic Engagement, NCLR (Moderator)
WHAT: Town Hall—“Immigration: The Moral, Economic, and Political Imperatives for Winning Reform”
WHEN: Monday, July 22, 2013
3:00–5:00 p.m. CDT
WHERE: Ernest N. Morial Convention Center
Riverside Rooms R02–R04