September 5, 2013 Kathy Mimberg
(202) 776-1714
WASHINGTON, D.C.—NCLR (National Council of La Raza) announced a new three-year grant from the Corporation for National and Community Service for the NCLR AmeriCorps LENS (Latino Empowerment through National Service) program. NCLR has managed its AmeriCorps LENS program for almost 20 years through its Affiliate Network of nearly 300 community-based organizations, providing vital services in communities throughout the United States and giving program volunteers the opportunity to gain valuable job skills and work experience. The new grant will put 73 NCLR AmeriCorps members to work at nine community-based organizations in California, Illinois, Maryland and Texas.
“We are pleased to continue our good work with the AmeriCorps program. NCLR’s mission is to improve opportunities for Hispanic Americans so AmeriCorps is a natural fit for us and our Affiliates. NCLR’s AmeriCorps LENS program fills critical needs, engages young Latinos in community service and provides essential training to the next generation of nonprofit leaders,” said Delia Pompa, Senior Vice President of Programs, NCLR.
Research indicates that youth who become involved in national service are more likely to continue to be involved as adults. NCLR AmeriCorps LENS members typically serve for one year at local nonprofits, public agencies and faith-based organizations, and they can participate in literacy tutoring and workforce development programs. Upon successful completion of their service, they are eligible to receive an education award to attend college or pay back student loans. Because of their service and training, many AmeriCorps alumni are hired by NCLR Affiliates and other nonprofits to work in their organizations.
Service projects range from cultural events to park clean-up days and much more. Martin Luther King Jr. Day this year was a good example of a typical day for NCLR AmeriCorps LENS members: volunteers in Chicago held a clothing drive at the Instituto del Progreso Latino for families in need and volunteers in Los Angeles worked with the Youth Policy Institute to paint the teachers' lounge and complete a mural at the Gratts Learning Academy for Young Scholars elementary school.
NCLR’s AmeriCorps LENS program currently operates in collaboration with Affiliates in the following locations: Chicago, Ill. (Association House of Chicago, Instituto del Progreso Latino and Gads Hill Center); Oakland, Calif. (Unity Council); Los Angeles, Calif. (Youth Policy Institute and AltaMed); Chula Vista, Calif. (MAAC); Austin, Tex. (Southwest Key Programs); and Riverdale, MD (Latin American Youth Center).
NCLR—the largest national Hispanic civil rights and advocacy organization in the United States—works to improve opportunities for Hispanic Americans. For more information on NCLR, please visit or follow along on Facebook and Twitter.