By: Loren McArthur
Treat others how you want to be treated. It’s a simple rule, one most people learn by the time they turn five years old. But knowing what’s right and doing what’s right are two very different things. Unfortunately, it seems like some politicians need a refresher course.
The 2010 elections showed just how willing some members of Congress are to insult Latinos, using race-baiting political ads, unfairly blaming immigrants for job losses, and generally attacking the community with dehumanizing, racist language. The chorus of hate rhetoric has had real consequences for Latinos in many states, where anti-Latino sentiment has paved the way for anti-Latino, Arizona-style legislation that legalizes and legitimizes racial profiling. It’s time to say “Enough!”
The National Council of La Raza (NCLR) recently kicked off its Pledge for Respect campaign, asking members of Congress to sign a pledge to oppose xenophobic and malicious attacks against Latinos and focus on finding real solutions to the many complex problems that our nation faces. On Thursday, March 10, 2011, hundreds of Hispanic leaders from the NCLR Affiliate Network visited their senators and representatives on Capitol Hill and asked them to sign this pledge.
But we won’t be stopping there. Everyone is encouraged to get involved. Call or write your legislators, visit their offices, or even post on their Facebook walls—just send the message that Latinos are not political pawns. They should be treated with the same respect and dignity that every other group in this country is afforded.
Keep checking back here for more information about the Pledge for Respect campaign. We’ll be keeping track of the campaign’s success as we move closer to May, when NCLR will publish a list of everyone who has signed the pledge. Until then, please show your support by visiting the NCLR website or texting RESPECT to 62571 to find out how you can contact your representatives.