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While GOP House Leaders Abandon Ship, Latino and AAPI Communities Keep Score


For Immediate Release                                                               Contact:
July 1, 2014                                                                                    Joseph Rendeiro
                                                                                                       (202) 776-1566
Contact: See below

Immigrant communities on track to deliver 2014 National Immigration Scorecard

WASHINGTON, DC -- With House Republican leadership throwing away the best chance in recent decades to reform the immigration system, national Latino and Asian American and Pacific Islander groups are renewing their combined pledge to inform their communities of Congress’ failure to do its job.

Final scores of all 435 House members regarding votes and inaction on immigration reform are being tabulated and will be released in late July for nationwide distribution.

Preliminary results of the 2014 National Immigration Scorecard, released in late May, showed how House GOP leaders’ failure to bring immigration reform to the House for a vote caused failing scores for members who are facing demands from constituents, business and faith leaders for an updated immigration system.

The following is a joint statement of scorecard sponsors, including Hispanic Federation, Labor Council for Latin American Advancement, League of United Latin American Citizens, NCLR (National Council of La Raza), Mi Familia Vota Education Fund, Voto Latino, Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance, Japanese American Citizens League, National Korean American Service and Education Consortium, and OCA-Asian Pacific American Advocates:

“Instead of acting on immigration reform, the GOP-controlled House has decided to increase its legislative and rhetorical attacks against immigrant communities, following the lead of anti-immigrant extremists in its party.”

“These avenues of attacks against immigrants, including threats to do away with the highly successful Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program for immigrant children with long-standing ties in the U.S., deepens the party’s damage with our communities.”

“The Latino and AAPI communities will be informed in coming weeks on how members behaved on the issue -- whether they championed immigration reform, did nothing, or blocked legislation. The fate of Congress’ standing with ethnic and immigrant communities is in their hands.”

APALA: William Chiang, wchiang@apalanet.org, 202-508-3733
Hispanic Federation: Joshua Silvia, jsilvia@hispanicfederation.org, 202-641-7186
Japanese American Citizens League Tara Naoko Ohrtman, tohrtman@jacl.org, 202-223-1240
LCLAA: Victor Baten, Vbaten@lclaa.org, 202-508-6989
LULAC: Jossie Sapunar, jsapunar@lulac.org, 202-833-6130
Mi Familia Vota: Lizette Escobedo lizettee@mifamiliavota.org, 858- 583-5014
NAKASEC: Diana Bui dbui@nakasec.org, 202-670-1622
NCLR: Joseph Rendeiro, jrendeiro@nclr.org, 202-776-1566
OCA - Asian Pacific American Advocates: Ken Lee, klee@ocanational.org, (202) 223-5500
Voto Latino: Jimmy Hernandez, jimmy@votolatino.org, 305-720-0699

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