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NCLR Hails Passage of Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act




Joseph Rendeiro
(202) 776-1566

Earlier today, President Obama signed the “Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act” (WIOA), legislation that lays the framework for job training and adult education services nationwide. NCLR (National Council of La Raza) applauds the bipartisan effort to pass this legislation, the first reauthorization of the Workforce Investment Act in 11 years, which will expand opportunities for Latino youth and adults by helping them attain postsecondary education and careers. Modernized features of the bill are designed to improve access to workforce development training for low-skilled workers and individuals with limited English language proficiency, while also targeting services to out-of-school youth.

“The prosperity of the American economy is tightly linked to the success of the Latino workforce,” said Delia Pompa, Senior Vice President of Programs at NCLR. “We are pleased to see lawmakers from both sides of the aisle come together to design a better workforce development system. Now it is incumbent upon Congress to fully fund WIOA so that Latinos and other struggling workers can earn the in-demand skills and education necessary to build stronger communities and a stronger economy.”

According to a national survey by NCLR and Latino Decisions released in December, 86 percent of Latino voters are concerned about cuts in federal funding for job training. As part of a national campaign called Latinos United for a Fair Economy, NCLR is urging Congress to remove federally imposed budget caps and replace the planned spending cuts with renewed investments in working families.


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