Just when it seems like anti-immigrant rhetoric can't get any more offensive, something like this happens. From our friends at VotoLatino:
This weekend at a sparsely attended rally in Austin, Texas, Rebecca Forest, co-founder of the Immigration Reform Coalition of Texas, explained why Texas hasn’t passed anti-immigrant legislation like Arizona and Alabama. Her explanation: Texas has too many Hispanic legislators – 37 to be exact. Here’s what she says in the video: [posted below]“If you really want to know why in Texas we don’t get immigration legislation passed, it’s because we have 37, 36, Hispanic legislators in the Texas Legislature. All of the states that have passed legislation have a handful and I mean literally, some of them have no Hispanic legislators, well, maybe 3 or 5. So that’s part of our problem and we need to change those numbers. Umm, we need to do something about that.”
Has Immigration Reform Coalition of Texas not heard the news that the Hispanic population grew to 50.5 million in the last ten years, or that in Texas Latinos accounted for nearly two-thirds of the population growth this past decade! Clearly their strategy is short-sighted, but I guess short-sightedness is the best we can expect from folks interested in turning back the clock on civil rights.
Check out the video of Rebecca Forest below: