Today, NCLR launched the Home for Good blog carnival for all bloggers to add their voice to the growing commentary on the homeownership crisis. This carnival, along with a postcard campaign and other calls to action, helps shed light on the disproportionate effect that the crisis has had on the Latino community and minority populations as a whole. It also reminds decision-makers that the crisis is far from over for our families.
It’s easy to participate! Just follow these steps:
• Write a blog post by Saturday, July 23 about ending the housing crisis.
• In your post, ask your readers to take action by sending an e-card to U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner.
• Email
o The permalink to your post
o Your Twitter and Facebook usernames, if applicable
• Visit the NCLR blog on Saturday, July 23, and eagerly hit “refresh” until the carnival goes live!
Suggested writing points:
• Experts estimate that one in six Latino homeowners—more than one million people—is at imminent risk of losing their home or has already lost their home to foreclosure.
• The federal government has zeroed out funding for housing counseling, one of the only tools that decreases a borrower’s chances of defaulting on a loan.
• We can and must improve the housing finance market to better serve honest lenders and families.
• We need a comprehensive strategy to prevent needless foreclosures.
• Our leaders have the power to take action.
• For instance, the White House recently established a new policy allowing Federal Housing Administration homeowners to put their mortgage payments on hold for up to 12 months while they secure new employment.
• Send an e-card to Secretary Geithner asking him to take action to stop wrongful foreclosures, protect affordable housing, and keep safe homeownership available.