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Los Angeles Town Hall to Address Concerns of Diverse Communities about Future of Social Security



Lauren Astor, AltaMed (323) 622-2408
Kathy Mimberg, NCLR (202) 776-1714
Andrew Sousa, Global Policy Solutions, (202) 265-5111

Representative Judy Chu joins multicultural forum that will highlight need to modernize Social Security for minority population 

LOS ANGELES, CA.—NCLR (National Council of La Raza), Global Policy Solutions, the Insight Center for Community Economic Development (Insight), and Latinos for a Secure Retirement will partner with AltaMed Health Services Corporation to host a community forum at 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday, October 19, 2011 that will address the implications of Social Security reform for an increasingly diverse and economically insecure workforce. The event, which will be held at AltaMed Adult Day Health Care (ADHC)—Lincoln Heights, located at 2820 North Figueroa Street in Los Angeles, California, is open to the public and free of charge. Simultaneous interpreter services in Spanish and Chinese will be provided.

The forum will bring together national advocates, local leaders, and seniors from the Hispanic, Black, and Asian American communities who are concerned about proposed cuts to the Social Security program. Representative Judy Chu (CA-32) will speak and a panel of experts will highlight Plan for a New Future: The Impact of Social Security Reform on People of Color, the Commission to Modernize Social Security’s plan for ensuring the program’s solvency for future generations and improving benefits for the growing population of workers and families of color who are more vulnerable to economic instability and far less likely than White families to have generational wealth. 

Social Security is widely recognized as a successful, efficient public program that serves as a powerful safety net for Americans who cannot work because of age or disability. However, it has come under attack under the guise of deficit reduction, despite the fact that Social Security has not contributed one dime to the federal deficit and will remain financially solvent without any changes until 2036. The program keeps millions of seniors out of poverty; for example, Social Security benefits currently represent at least 90 percent of the income for about half of Latino and Black seniors.

In Los Angeles County, Social Security contributes $14.5 billion annually to the local economy by paying benefits to 1.5 million county residents, including 765,380 retirees, 142,095 disabled workers, and 83,360 children. Social Security serves five million residents in California and prevents 1.1 million from living in poverty. The Los Angeles forum is the fourth in a series being held across the country as part of the ¡Tu Futuro Cuenta! an educational campaign to engage Latinos and communities of color on the issue of Social Security.





Los Angeles community forum to address questions and concerns of diverse communities about the future of Social Security and to highlight Plan for a New Future: The Impact of Social Security Reform on People of Color. Event will include simultaneous interpreter services in Spanish and Chinese.


Representative Judy Chu (CA-32)
Marie Torres, Ph.D., Senior Vice President, Government Relations and
Community Research Initiatives, AltaMed Health Services Corporation
Roy Aragon, National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare
Leticia Miranda, Associate Director, Economic and Employment Policy Project,
National Council of La Raza
Meizhu Lui, Director Emeritus, Insight Center for Community Economic
Dr. Maya Rockeymoore, President and CEO, Global Policy Solutions


Wednesday, October 19, 2011
3:00 p.m.–4:30 p.m.
Speakers are also available for interviews before and following the event.


AltaMed Adult Day Health Care (ADHC)—Lincoln Heights
2820 North Figueroa Street
Los Angeles, CA 90065

(Free parking is available in the designated parking area at McDonald’s at 2224 North Figueroa Street, and on-street public parking is available nearby on North Figueroa and North River Street.)

Space is limited. Media Only: For any related questions, or for media RSVPs, please contact Lauren Astor, AltaMed at (323) 622-2408 or by email at Lastor@la.altamed.org.

For more information about AltaMed Health Services Corporation, visit www.AltaMed.org.

For more information about NCLR, visit www.NCLR.org or www.NCLR.org/socialsecurity.

For more information about Global Policy Solutions, visit www.globalpolicysolutions.com.

For more information about the Insight Center for Community Economic Development, visit www.insightcced.org.

For more information about Latinos for Secure Retirement, visit www.latinosforasecureretirement.org.



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