Julian Teixeira
(202) 776-1812
How a Growing Electorate Will Help Shape 2012 Outcomes
Washington—As the fastest-growing segment of the electorate, Latino voters are a key constituency that both Democrats and Republicans will court heavily throughout the 2012 elections. To win the White House, it is estimated that a Republican candidate will need 40 percent of the Latino vote, while a Democrat will need to carry 60 percent. Growth among Hispanic populations nationally has not only increased their voting power in traditional Hispanic hubs such as California, Florida, and Texas, but has also strengthened their influence in states with burgeoning Latino populations such as North Carolina and Indiana.
How will the growth of the Latino voting bloc play out on Election Day? NCLR (National Council of La Raza) will answer that question and others next Tuesday when it hosts a panel discussion specifically designed for the media. Leading experts in civic engagement will address key factors that will affect where, why, and for whom Latinos will turn out to vote. Speakers will touch on important topics such as the geography of the Latino vote, party affiliation and loyalty, strategies for courting Latinos, and what polling tells us about America’s Latino voter.
This event will be held specifically for members of the media, and RSVPs are required. Contact Julian Teixeira, Communications Director, NCLR, via email at or by calling (202) 776-1812.
- Clarissa Martínez De Castro, Director, Civic Engagement and Immigration, NCLR
- Dr. Matt Barreto, Principal, Latino Decisions
- Dr. Gary Segura, Principal, Latino Decisions
WHEN: Tuesday, February 14, 2012
12:30–1:30 p.m. EST (lunch will be available at 12:15)
WHERE: Raul Yzaguirre Building
1126 16th Street, NW, Sixth Floor
Washington, D.C. 20036
(For those reporters outside of Washington, DC, teleconference capabilities will be available. RSVP to receive the dial-in information.)
TO RSVP: Contact Julian Teixeira via email at or call (202) 776-1812.
NCLR—the largest national Hispanic civil rights and advocacy organization in the United States—works to improve opportunities for Hispanic Americans. For more information on NCLR, please visit or follow along on Facebook and Twitter.