Joseph Rendeiro
(202) 776-1566
Health care reform will provide coverage for millions of Latinos
This week, NCLR (National Council of La Raza) joined more than 100 organizations on the steps of the Supreme Court of the United States to demonstrate support for the Affordable Care Act and highlight the meaningful changes that have occurred in the two years since the enactment of the law.
“With seven other attempts starting more than 100 years ago, no other administration has succeeded in taking this step forward to fix health care in America,” said Janet Murguía, NCLR President and CEO. “The enactment of the Affordable Care Act was historic and has already had a profound effect on the lives of Latinos. The investments in no-cost preventive care and consumer protections, such as the elimination of lifetime caps on health coverage, will help guarantee Latinos and other Americans better quality care. This legislation has also significantly helped Hispanic young adults, almost half of whom are uninsured, by allowing nearly 750,000 to be covered under their parents’ insurance plans.”
“I am deeply concerned that any rollbacks of the Affordable Care Act will drive up uninsurance and exacerbate the health inequities that exist in the Latino community. Overturning the law would not only destabilize the health care system, but could also encroach on other civil and economic rights. This law has clear standing, and we should not stop the progress that has been made to cover all Americans. It is critical that the Supreme Court of the United States uphold the Affordable Care Act. ”