Joseph Rendeiro
(202) 776-1566
Today, the House Ways and Means Committee passed legislation originally introduced by Rep. Sam Johnson which would strip hardworking, taxpaying families of their right to claim the refundable Child Tax Credit if they pay taxes with an ITIN (Individual Taxpayer Identification Number). H.R. 1956 would harm more than four million Latino children in families who earn an average of $21,000 per year, costing each family approximately $1,800. As noted in the expert testimony, 92% of the children who would be affected by this legislation are U.S. citizens. This bill will not become law unless it passes both the House of Representatives and the Senate and is signed by the president.
The refundable Child Tax Credit prevents millions of Hispanic families from falling deeper into poverty and helps low-income, working families feed and house their children so that they can grow into the strong and healthy adult workers our country needs.
“This proposal will harm innocent Latino children,” said Eric Rodriguez, Vice President of the Office of Research, Advocacy, and Legislation at NCLR (National Council of La Raza). “Eliminating the right of hardworking Latino families to claim the needed tax credit should be offensive to all voters, especially to Latino voters.”
Read below for the roll-call vote tally on Budget Reconciliation Legislative Recommendations Relating to Social Security Number Requirements for Refundable Portion of the Child Tax Credit:
Votes in Favor: 22
Dave Camp, R–MI, Chairman Aye
Wally Herger, R–CA Aye
Sam Johnson, R–TX Aye
Kevin Brady, R–TX Aye
Paul Ryan, R–WI Aye
Devin Nunes, R–CA Aye
Pat Tiberi, R–OH Aye
Geoff Davis, R–KY Aye
Dave G. Reichert, R–WA Aye
Charles W. Boustany Jr., R–LA Aye
Peter J. Roskam, R–IL Aye
Jim Gerlach, R–PA Aye
Tom Price, R–GA Aye
Vern Buchanan, R–FL Aye
Adrian Smith, R–NE Aye
Aaron Schock, R–IL Aye
Lynn Jenkins, R–KS Aye
Erik Paulsen, R–MN Aye
Kenny Marchant, R–TX Aye
Rick Berg, R–ND Aye
Diane Black, R–TN Aye
Tom Reed, R–NY Aye
Votes Opposed: 12
Sander Levin, D–MI, Ranking Member Nay
Fortney Pete Stark, D–CA Nay
Jim McDermott, D–WA Nay
John Lewis, D–GA Nay
Richard E. Neal, D–MA Nay
Lloyd Doggett, D–TX Nay
Mike Thompson, D–CA Nay
John B. Larson, D–CT Nay
Ron Kind, D–WI Nay
Bill Pascrell Jr., D–NJ Nay
Shelley Berkley, D–NV Nay
Joseph Crowley, D–NY Nay
Charles B. Rangel, D–NY No Recorded Vote
Xavier Becerra, D–CA No Recorded Vote
Earl Blumenauer, D–OR No Recorded Vote