[View the story "Highlights from the Latino Health Twitter Chat" on Storify ]Highlights from the Latino Health Twitter Chat Featuring experts in the area @FDAwomen, @swellamanuela, and @nacersano. Follow along as these prominent panelists respond to real-time questions from the general public and NCLR about important health issues for Latinos. Storified by NCLR · Wed, May 23 2012 16:35:17
NCLR and the panelists were buzzing in anticipation.
Alrighty! In just a few minutes we'll be chatting abt #womenshealth w/@fdawomen @nacersano & @swellamanuela. Have q's? #LatinoHealth #NWHWNCLR
@fdawomen: Charla con nosotros hoy @nacersano #NCLR, 7-8 pm EST. ¿Qué preguntas tiene del uso de medicamentos seguros? #LatinoHealthU.S. FDA en Español
A brief introduction of the panelists.
@FDAwomen is the Food and Drug Administration's Office of Women’s Health. #LatinoHealth #NWHW #LATISMNCLR
For those just joining, @swellamanuela is a Program Manager with our Institute for Hispanic Health. http://ow.ly/aZf5X #LatinoHealth #NWHWNCLR
RT @NCLR: Welcome to our chat on #Latina Women's Health! We have a great panel today. #NWHW #latinohealthnacersano
Welcome! RT @fdawomen: Welcome to the newest member to the FDA Twitter family @FDAenEspanol! #LatinoHealthNCLR
The discussion begins.
Our first q is for @FDAWomen What health resources does FDA have for Latinas? #LatinoHealth #NWHWNCLR
We have easy to read fact sheets and brochures in English and Spanish http://1.usa.gov/JxQ86B #LatinohealthFDAWomen
Our first q for @nacersano. What is folic acid and why is it important for Latinas’ health? #latinohealth #NWHWNCLR
Folic acid is a B vitamin that can help prevent birth defect of the brain and spinal cord. #LatinoHealthnacersano
RT @nacersano: Latinas have a higher risk of having a baby with a NTD. Folic acid helps reduce that risk. #LatinoHealthmarch of dimes
The best way to get folic acid is to take a multivitamin with 400 mcg of folic acid every day before pregnancy. #LatinoHealthnacersano
It’s hard to get enough folic acid from food alone. It’s best to add a multivitamin to a healthy diet. #LatinoHealthnacersano
Make a list of the medicines you take including vitamins. Keep a copy of the list with you all the time. #LatinohealthFDAWomen
RT @FDAenEspanol: @FDAWomen Haga una lista de los medicamentos k toma, incluyendo vitaminas. Téngala a mano todo el tiempo. #LatinoHealthnacersano
Use your medicines as directed. Do not share your prescriptions with others. #latinohealthFDAWomen
@FDAWomen Use sus #medicamentos según las indicaciones. No comparta sus medicamentos con otras personas #LatinoHealthU.S. FDA en Español
Our next q is for @swellamanuela: What is cervical cancer and how are Latinas affected by it? #LatinoHealth #NWHWNCLR
Cervical cancer is cancer of the uterus or the womb. #Latinohealth #NCLRA. Manuela McDonough
The incidence of cervical cancer for Latina women in the US is the highest among all racial/ethnic groups. #Latinohealth #NCLRA. Manuela McDonough
@IsabelLechuga Latinas face high mortality rates from cervical cancer as a result of low rates of pap smears #latinohealthA. Manuela McDonough
@FDAWomen Women are so busy! How do we get them interested in safe medicine use? #LatinoHealth #NWHWNCLR
Watch our telenovelas. Learn about medicine safety w/ Lourdes and her family http://bit.ly/JhaqGH #LatinohealthFDAWomen
¡Nunca Más! Novela educativa sobre salud (Episodios 1-4)usfoodanddrugadmin
@nacersano Even if a woman is not planning a pregnancy, should she take folic acid? #LatinoHealth #NWHWNCLR
Women need to have enough folic acid in her system before conception, for the baby’s neural tube to develop correctly. #LatinoHealthnacersano
About folic acid http://bit.ly/JNWMYA #LatinoHealthnacersano
RT @FDAenEspanol: Young minorities become the majority - http://video.msnbc.msn.com/nightly-news/47469054 via @msnbc #LatinoHealthNCLR
Young minorities become the majorityVideo on msnbc.com: For the first time, Census numbers indicate minorities make up the majority of the population under the age of one, a...
@nacersano When considering healthy nutrition, what should Latinas be thinking about? #LatinoHealth #NWHWNCLR
Eat more fruits and vegetables every day. #LatinoHealthnacersano
Eat just enough to not be hungry. Avoid overeating by paying attention to your body. #LatinoHealthnacersano
Limit empty calories, like sodas, fried foods and desserts. #LatinoHealthnacersano
Avoid fad diets that could compromise your health and your future pregnancies. #LatinoHealthnacersano
“@NCLR: @nacersano #LatinoHealth #NWHW” strive to reduce fats and sugars in diet, increase fruits and vegetables and EXERCISE!Isabel Lechuga
Vegetarian diets improve heart health & diabetes (risks for Latinas) http://bit.ly/I99xfp @NCLR @nacersano healthy nutrition #LatinoHealthVOXXIHealth
On to @swellamanuela. What causes cervical cancer? #LatinoHealth #NWHWNCLR
Cervical cancer is caused by the human papillomavirus, or HPV, a very common sexually transmitted infection. #latinohealth #nclrA. Manuela McDonough
2 strains (16 and 18) of HPV are responsible for 70 percent of cervical cancer cases. #latinohealth #nclrA. Manuela McDonough
@swellamanuela How can Latinas prevent HPV? #LatinoHealth #NWHWNCLR
@swellamanuela What do you think about the HPV vaccine? Useful or not? http://bit.ly/IiYmRY #LatinoHealth #NWHWVOXXIHealth
#FDA approved the first vaccinen Gardasil®, developed to prevent cervical cancer caused by HPV. Ask your doctor more about it. #latinohealthA. Manuela McDonough
@voxxihealth Here's more info on HPV vaccines. Use this to start a discussion w your doctor http://ow.ly/aZfVF #latinohealthFDAWomen
Another way to prevent contracting HPV is to abstain from all sexual activity.. #latinohealth #nclrA. Manuela McDonough
@FDAWomen How can health leaders use Nunca Mas to educate women in their community? #LatinoHealth #NWHWNCLR
Check out our Nunca Mas planning guide. It can help you organize events. http://1.usa.gov/JEiMF8 #latinohealthFDAWomen
We're loving this women's health chat. Want more? Join us in Las Vegas for our Health Summit! More here: http://ow.ly/aZfPw #LatinoHealthNCLR
RT @NCLR: @FDAWomen Any other resources Latinas should know about? #NWHW #LatinoHealthnacersano
@nacersano How can weight impact pregnancy? #LatinoHealth #NWHWNCLR
Overweight increases the chances of having gestational diabetes, high blood pressure and preeclampsia. #LatinoHealthnacersano
Overweight also increases the risk of having infertility, a miscarriage and a stillbirth. #LatinoHealthnacersano
Being overweight increases the risk of having a c-section or having complications during labor and birth. #LatinoHealthnacersano
“@nacersano @NCLR: @nacersano #NWHW #LatinoHealth” being overweight has been recenty linkes to higher incidence of autismIsabel Lechuga
Autism is linked to obesity during pregnancy http://bit.ly/Ij6SQJ RT @NCLR: @nacersano How can Latinas stay fit and active? #LatinoHealthVOXXIHealth
If you have any questions for our panelists send them using #LatinoHealth.NCLR
All women should achieve a healthy weight before pregnancy to avoid these complications. #LatinoHealthnacersano
Latinas should try to get 30 minutes of physical activity on most days. Walking or dancing are excellent choices. #LatinoHealthnacersano
Other physical activities are swimming, riding a bike, hiking, jogging or a yoga class. #LatinoHealthnacersano
Physical activity helps reduce stress, keep a healthy weight and have a better health overall. #LatinoHealthnacersano
Staying fit and active can help Latinas have healthier pregnancies and babies. #LatinoHealthnacersano
Peso sano antes del embarazo http://blog.nacersano.org/?p=3052 #LatinoHealthnacersano
@FDAWomen: Watch our video in Spanish or English for tips on using diabetes meds safely http://bit.ly/JTHrpW #Latinohealththetimethief
Report problems w/ meds to MedWatch http://1.usa.gov/JTGXjL #LatinohealthFDAWomen
Esas libritas de más http://blog.nacersano.org/?p=936 #LatinoHealthnacersano
Follow @FDAMedwatch for safety alerts http://1.usa.gov/JTGXjL #latinohealthFDAWomen
RT @NCLR: If you have any questions for our panelists send them using #LatinoHealth #LATISMJavier v Westphalen
@swellamanuela Is cervical cancer curable? #LatinoHealth #NWHWNCLR
For women over 30, there is a HPV test that can be used along with the pap smear as part of routine cervical cancer screening. #LatinohealthA. Manuela McDonough
Pap smears are the most effective way to screen for the pre-cancerous cells that can lead to cervical cancer. #LatinohealthA. Manuela McDonough
For additional resources about Latinas and cervical cancer visit http://latinainstitute.org/ #latinohealth #NCLRA. Manuela McDonough
@NCLR @swellamanuela @FDAWomen What can we do to promote healthy body image? #LatinoHealth #NWHWVOXXIHealth
Tough one in this society RT @VoxxiHealth: @NCLR @swellamanuela @FDAWomen What can we do to promote healthy body image? #LatinoHealth #NWHWSabrina J
@nacersano What is gestational diabetes? #LatinoHealth #NWHWNCLR
Gestational diabetes is a kind of diabetes that can happen during pregnancy. #LatinoHealthnacersano
In gestational diabetes, the body has problems managing the levels of blood sugar (glucose). #LatinoHealthnacersano
What are Latinas particularly at risk for? #LatinoHealth #NWHWVOXXIHealth
Type2 diabetes affects about 1 in 10 Latinos. http://1.usa.gov/Jk1x8v #LatinohealthFDAWomen
La #diabetes tipo 2 afecta 1 de cada 10 #latinos. http://1.usa.gov/Jk1x8v #LatinohealthU.S. FDA en Español
Unfortunately Latinas have a higher risk of developing any kind of diabetes, including gestational diabetes. #LatinoHealthnacersano
Watch our video in Spanish or English for tips on using diabetes meds safely http://bit.ly/JTHrpW #LatinohealthFDAWomen
RT @marchofdimes: There is a chat going on right now on #LatinoHealth. Follow along and ask questions!MiTu Network
@NCLR @FDAWomen I have breast cancer - will my daughter? http://voxxi.com/i-have-breast-cancer-will-my-daughter/ via @voxxihealth #LatinohealthSilvia Casabianca
We can’t control our family history, but we can control our lifestyle. #LatinoHealthnacersano
@NCLR should also advocate HPV-prevention/gardasil to #Latino MSM who are subject to throat and anal cancers from HPV #LatinohealthAdam Frankel
For additional resources around Latina sexual reproductive health visit http://latinainstitute.org/ #latinohealth #NCLR #NLIRHA. Manuela McDonough
@nacersano If a woman has diabetes what steps she should take to plan a healthy pregnancy? #LatinoHealth #NWHWNCLR
How to stay healthy during pregnancy & breastfeeding: http://bit.ly/IHksz0 RT @NCLR: @nacersano plan a healthy pregnancy #LatinoHealth #NWHWVOXXIHealth
Vía @nacersano 50% de los embarazos no se planifican por ello hay consumir ácido fólico aunque no busque un embarazo. #LatinoHealthNacersano baby
Vía @nacersano Las Latinas tenemos un mayor riesgo de tener un bebé con un defecto del tubo neural. #LatinoHealthNacersano baby
Vía @nacersano Tome una multivitamina con 400mcg de ácido fólico y siga una alimentación sana. #LatinoHealthNacersano baby
RT @nacersano: Genetics and lifestyle play a role in the development of diabetes. #LatinoHealthNCLR
And finally, our last q for @nacersano How can a pregnant woman keep healthy with gestational diabetes? #LatinoHealth #NWHWNCLR
Eating healthy and exercising can help control gestational diabetes and prevent its complications. #LatinoHealthnacersano
there's so much info available online for healthy cooking, #latinas can find many free resources there #LatinoHealthMiTu Network
RT @nacersano: Physical activity helps reduce stress, keep a healthy weight and have a better health overall. #LatinoHealthLaurette Healey
Prenatal check-ups are the best way to confirm the baby is fine or to spot problems if they arise. #LatinoHealthnacersano
The health care provider will offer prenatal tests to ensure the baby is growing and is healthy. #LatinoHealthnacersano
Keeping glucose level close to normal is the best way to have a healthy pregnancy and baby. #LatinoHealthnacersano
Follow the health care provider’s instructions about medication, monitoring of blood sugar, etc. #LatinoHealthnacersano
These are such great resources! Thanks so much to our guests @FDAWomen @nacersano @swellamanuela #LatinoHealth #NWHWNCLR
If you still have questions send them preguntas@nacersano.org One of our health educators will help you. #LatinoHealthnacersano
Or visit our blog (in Spanish) at http://blog.nacersano.org #LatinoHealthnacersano
Don't forget to also visit the NCLR
blog for updates on health and other issues affecting Latinos.
Thanks to everyone who joined us today! Keep the conversation going! #LatinoHealth #NWHW.NCLR
Thanks to my fellow panelists #nacersano #FDAWomen for participating! Please follow us for more information. #LatinohealthA. Manuela McDonough
Thanks for chatting @nclr @nacersano @swellamanuela! And thanks to all who followed and asked questions #LatinoHealth #NWHWFDAWomen
Vísite la página en español de la FDA http://www.fda.gov/AboutFDA/EnEspanol/default.htm #LatinoHealth @NCLR Gracias!U.S. FDA en Español
RT @FDAWomen: @mitunetwork Welcome to the discussion! #latinohealthSilvia Casabianca
Be sure to follow our panelists, too! @FDAWomen @nacersano @swellamanuela #LatinoHealth #NWHWNCLR
#womenshealth #LatinoHealth RT @FDAWomen: Materials from yesterday's webinar on #minorityhealth are now available: http://1.usa.gov/LjGJCjHelen Troncoso
A final resource to find out more about Latinos staying healthy is to visit the
NCLR's Inaugural Health Summit Facebook page and join the conversation to connect with and empower Latinos.