$ 0 0 Your favorite NCLR tweets last week. [View the story "Highlights of Social Media, May 26- June 1" on Storify]Highlights of Social Media, May 26- June 1Storified by NCLR · Mon, Jun 04 2012 10:51:37Congratulations @doloreshuerta on receiving the Medal of Freedom! We're proud to call you familia!NCLRStand against hate and w/immigrant families in Alabama! Then sign our petition! http://act.ly/5wd #CrisisAL #HB56NCLRWe've registered 20k #Latinos and we've only just begun! http://ow.ly/b9S4h #M2V #LatinoVoteNCLRForeclosures, harsh work environments, anti-immigrant laws, racial profiling...need any more reasons to vote? http://ow.ly/b9ShONCLRBBQ chicken this #MemorialDay? Poultry workers who made that bbq possible are under attack & need support http://ow.ly/b7RUM @theruckusNCLR