Today, NCLR joined fellow organizations in DC and thousands of Latinos in the U.S. and the world to celebrate Obama’s halt to the deportation of DREAMers. It was a groundbreaking and bold decision that marks this administration’s willingness to move forward on comprehensive immigration reform.
[View the story "First Victory for DREAMers!" on Storify ]First Victory for DREAMers! Today, NCLR joined fellow organizations in DC and thousands of Latinos in the U.S. and the world to celebrate Obama’s halt to the deportation of DREAMers. It was a groundbreaking and bold decision that marks this administration’s willingness to move forward on comprehensive immigration reform. Storified by NCLR · Fri, Jun 15 2012 18:09:23
Great news! RT @AP: BREAKING: Officials: U.S. gov't to stop deporting and grant work permits to younger illegal immigrants.NCLR
.@BarackObama: "Effective immediately, the DHS is taking steps to lift the shadow of deportation" #DREAMAct #rif4 #immigrationSEIU
Join our Affiliate @CasadeMaryland at 2 pm at Lafayette Plaza in front of the White House for a rally to celebrate today's news!NCLR
The rally started minutes before 2pm.
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The NCLR staff was there showing our support!
NCLR's Director of Immigration and National Campaigns, Clarissa Martinez, and Laura Vazquez, Legislative Analyst on Immigration, gave sound insight on behalf of this decision to news outlets throughout the day.
Tune in today! RT @mitchellreports: Also on show @NCLR Clarissia Martinez de Castro on immigration announcement + @kenvogel on Koch brothersNCLR
Say "Thank You" to President Obama? Call 888-793-9786 to thank him for providing deportation relief and work permits to DREAMers!NCLR
Sign @USAction thank you card to @BarackObama for supporting the #DREAMers #p2 #right2dreamRoss Wallen
Political representatives from across the board also praised the President's decision.
Great news today for thousands of #DREAMers across the country—I applaud this historic decision #DREAMActSenator Dick Durbin
Retweet if you're proud of @BarackObama for standing up for the #DREAMERS who love this country and know no other home.Rep. Ted Deutch
Congrats to #DREAMers who mobilized and organized for the #right2dream. You helped make this happen. Keep up fight for immigration reformNancy Pelosi
It was a celebratory scene in front of the White House today!
"Today's measure demonstrates de government understands we are in this country to contribute!" --Casa de maryland young activist #DREAMActNCLR
Hispanic accents including Colombian, Peruvian, Mexican, among others, and American accents were being heard in front of the White House.
Chants of "¡Si se puede!" break out.NCLR
A young DREAMer thanks President Obama for today's #immigration announcement.
@SEIU is out in full soildarity with the DREAMers today! #immigration #DREAMActNCLR
Victor R. Ramirez, Maryland State Senator, tells the crowd the work of DREAMers is not done yet.
#DREAMers take note: you must prove that u were in US TODAY (+ last 5 yrs). If you don't have proof one way, get something notarized ASAP.NILC
The call for improvement across areas surfaced as the crowd chanted in excitement for "4 more years."
"This struggle isn't over. We must vote in Nov to make sure we can pass #DREAMAct and #cir next year." Deepak Bhargava of @communitychangeRI4A
Virginia legislator, Walter Tejada, postponed a 3 o'clock meeting to join the rally!
"This is not about giving a people a free ride." This is about giving people what they've earned. #ri4a #immigrationRI4A
Felicito al Pres Obama & Sec Napolitano por esta decisión que no sólo beneficia a DREAMers, sino a toda nuestra nación Harry Reid
Some folks welcomed the news with caution.
We are not applauding this decision until we see some deportations dropped. Occupation of obama offices continue.
Undocumented immigrant children need a permanent solution. The DREAM Act, if passed, offers hope.
Janet Murguía, President and CEO of NCLR, 'hails' the President's decision as an important first step for immigrant families and proof of the work of organizations like NCLR, and many others that were present here today.
New from #NCLR: NCLR Hails President Obama's Act of Commonsense Compassion for DREAMers