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Looking at the Supreme Court Health Care Ruling from the Latino Perspective


President Obama and several organizations including NCLR fought hard for the implementation of health care reform. This ruling represents a remarkable victory for Latinos and for people who believe Americans have a right for health insurance. 

An Overview of the Healthcare Ruling from the Latino Perspective

President Obama and several organizations including NCLR fought hard for the implementation of health care reform. This ruling represents a remarkable victory for Latinos and for people who believe Americans have a right for health insurance. Here is how we celebrated..

Storified by NCLR · Fri, Jun 29 2012 15:00:07

Some thoughts ahead of today's decision. MT @VoxxiNews: Outcome on health care reform to affect #Hispanics greatly http://bit.ly/LE6TTBNCLR
The war room at NCLR headquarters in DC.
We're ready for the #SCOTUS #HCRDecision today! RT @karabara: .@NCLR #hcrdecision war room http://instagr.am/p/Ma4oZVRyvd/NCLR
So, what's at stake in the #HCRDecision today? Our infographic tells you: http://ow.ly/bT0Wx #LatinoHealthNCLR
The Decision.
#SCOTUS upholds #ACA individual mandate.SCOTUSblog
Expansion of Medicaid is constitutional (key), but States can't be stripped of funds for not complying with expansion provisions.SCOTUSblog
Bottom line from #SCOTUS, Obama Administration wins. Challenge to #ACA fails.SCOTUSblog
#SCOTUS #HCRDecision: The individual mandate survives as a tax. #LatinoHealthNCLR
There's still lots of details to go through, but one thing is clear: this is a huge win for #healthcare reform! #HCRDecisionNCLR
The Supreme Court upholds health care reform: win for #LatinoHealth! Time to make the rest of law a reality. http://www.NCLR.orgNCLR
A @SCOTUSblog reading of the #HCRDecision: "Don’t call it a mandate — it’s a tax." http://ow.ly/bTaqtNCLR
Get the whole story. Here is the text of the Supreme Court's decision on healthcare.
Read the text of the US Supreme Court health care ruling here
Janet Murguia, NCLR's President and CEO, shared her excitement on Twitter.
RT @jmurguia_nclr: Wow! Great day. Great decision. Time to get back to helping all Americans get the health care they need and deserve.NCLR
Reactions from Latinos.
In case you were wondering how today's #HCRDecision affects the #Latino community...http://ow.ly/bTgfc #LatinoHealthNCLR
31% of #Hispanics lack health insurance, compared to 16% of U.S. overall http://pewrsr.ch/NG3cb1 http://pic.twitter.com/rfpyoKnsPew Hispanic Center
RT @familiesusa: With #Obamacare upheld, young people can stay on their parents plans until they’re 26! #HealthJustice, #HCRDecision.LPWF
Folks at fellow organizations were celebrating too.
RT @KimberlyInezDC: .@NLIRH policy staff responding to #HCRdecision #HealthJustice WOOHOO!!! http://pic.twitter.com/qAcvhZmKMagaly
#SCOTUS has upheld Obama's health care law! This is great news!! #HCRDecision #ACAPlanned Parenthood
RT @HarmReduction: The #HCRdecision is great news for harm reduction - will expand access to drug user health, treatment & recovery #HealthJusticeLatina Institute
Reactions from Chief Justice Roberts, whose vote saved the ACA.
Roberts says he hopes #SCOTUS will be remembered for "protecting equal justice under the law." http://wapo.st/OJq7buThe Washington Post
Reactions from Americans in general lay heavily along political lines.
And here's the latest polling, via Gallup, on Americans' reaction to the health care ruling: http://politi.co/LG1vNVPOLITICO
Instead of complaining about #Obamacare, take a second to think about the Americans (like myself) who can't afford healthcare. #infavorEmmanuel Navedo ™
As the mother of two kids over 22 but under 26 who's jobs don't offer healthcare, so grateful to the Supreme Court @BarackObamaShannon Drost
More from the political community.
Already, the #ACA has given 3.1M young Americans health insurance...an invaluable lifeline now and in the future. http://pic.twitter.com/MGnQelVPLouise Slaughter
Seniors are saving money on prescriptions & checkups. Children can no longer be denied insurance because of a preexisting condition #ACASenator Harry Reid
The decision received great online news coverage too.
Tweets peaked at 13,000 per minute Thursday after #SCOTUS ruling on the health-care law. http://on.wsj.com/OJiDFzWall Street Journal
New from #NCLR: NCLR aplaude el fallo de la corte suprema de justicia por defender la ley de la le salud http://ow.ly/1kWLA8NCLR
The next day, reactions continued and NCLR co-hosted a tweet chat to hear your responses.
RT @icommhealth: bilingual tweet chat going on now about the #HCRdecision. Questions and answers with #HealthJustice.NCLR
The law invests $11 billion in community health centers, which are vital to our community! http://ow.ly/bV7bt #HCRDecision #HealthJusticeNCLR
@theNWHN 17 million people will gain access, state by state information here http://bit.ly/NcEaPx #HealthJusticeNtl Women's Law Ctr
@NCLR Visit http://bit.ly/MGJfUQ to learn the stories of those who will benefit from the #ACA. #HealthJusticeHealth and Justice
Obtener #SaludYJusticia a un precio accesible es difícil. @NCLR quiere saber cuál es tu historia, #HCRDecision http://action.nclr.org/p/salsa/web/questionnaire/public/?questionnaire_KEY=595NCLR
RT @nwlc: Great times and resources in #HealthJustice tweetchat! Unfortunately, fight is not over. Let's keep standing up for the law! #HCRDecisionJessica Arons
All of our #healthcare resources (English & Spanish) are pulled together here: http://ow.ly/bVcDW #HCRDecision #HealthJusticeNCLR
Visit the NCLR website regularly for more news on healthcare reform and Latinos and follow us at @NCLR!  
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