The Daily Beast is out with a new op-ed on the fights that Latinos still have to contend with despite advances made in recent Supreme Court decisions.
The Supreme Court ruling in favor of most of the Affordable Care Act is certainly a cause for celebration, but that celebration must be tempered by the sobering fact that its decision on Arizona’s SB 1070 left in place one of the law’s most egregious provisions: Section 2(b), the so-called “papers, please” provision. SB 1070 and the introduction of a weakened Violence Against Women Act should serve as reminders and rallying calls during this very important election year.
Our very own Jennifer Ng’andu was a coauthor. Joining her were Marielena Hincapié, executive director of the National Immigration Law Center, and Jessica González-Rojas, executive director of the National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health.
From The Daily Beast:
These laws are being used as a political organizing tool that pits one community against others. And they reflect a profound misunderstanding of Latinos. They remind us that there is more to be done to guarantee our civil and human rights are fully acknowledged and enforced.Latinos must work together to combat stereotypes, and speak out in favor of our civil and human rights. We believe politicians and political campaigns are increasingly recognizing the power of our vote, but they must also actively work against laws and policies that dehumanize, stigmatize, and harm our communities.
That’s why, arm in arm, in solidarity, we must work even harder to make sure that we push back against dehumanizing anti-immigrant campaigns, wherever and whenever they arise—and remind our political leaders that our support will require respect for our entire community in both word and deed.
Read the full op-ed here.