Julian Teixeira
(202) 776-1812
WASHINGTON, D.C.—As the nation’s children head back to school and as we edge closer to the 2012 November elections, NCLR (National Council of La Raza) will host a timely telephonic briefing for media to discuss new research that highlights the impact of high-quality early learning for Latino children and what elected officials can do to help improve students’ chances for future success. In the past 20 years, the Latino under-18 population has more than doubled, and by 2035, one in every three children in the U.S. will be Latino—a major portion of tomorrow’s workforce that the nation cannot afford to leave behind.
The quality of the early learning experience has been proven to help narrow the school readiness gap and affords children lasting educational benefits. Moreover, research by Nobel Prize– winning University of Chicago Economics Professor James Heckman has shown that investing in early learning has a return of up to 10 percent. Experts will discuss findings from Professor Heckman’s work and will also discuss how effective family engagement, assessment, instruction, and professional development strategies can help deliver the high-quality early learning experience that will keep America competitive in an increasingly competitive global marketplace.
As we approach the political conventions and presidential debate season, education will surely be a focal point for both parties. Speakers at the briefing will also touch on important policy changes that would help to significantly advance access to and quality of early learning for Latino children across the U.S.
Telephonic briefing on Smart Investments: Early Learning for Latino Children
--Liany Elba Arroyo, Associate Director, Education and Children’s Policy Project, NCLR
--Rich Neimand, President/Creative Director, Neimand Collaborative
--Erika Beltrán, Senior Policy Analyst, Education and Children’s Policy Project, NCLR
Thursday, August 23, 2012
1:00 p.m.–2:00 p.m.
Participant Dial-In: (800) 895-0231
*Conference ID: EDUCATION
Program Title: Early Learning
To RSVP for this event or to get more information, please send an email to
NCLR—the largest national Hispanic civil rights and advocacy organization in the United States—works to improve opportunities for Hispanic Americans. For more information on NCLR, please visit or follow along on Facebook and Twitter.