Every year, our country celebrates Labor Day with parades, rallies, and picnics as a way to acknowledge and commemorate the contributions of our nation’s workers. But lately it seems that for many, Labor Day serves as a reminder of an economy that feels like it’s hardly working.
As of July 2012, 12.8 million people are unemployed, while at the same time, American employers continue to slash or outright deny workers a minimum wage and benefits like paid sick leave. In this economy, many low-wage workers have been left with limited bargaining leverage and fear taking action because they are worried about preserving their jobs.
Lately it’s been tough for American workers, particularly Latinos, who confront additional unique barriers in the labor market. They face not only high unemployment but also the assumption that they don’t belong in this country. Anti-immigrant rhetoric has helped fuel the scapegoating of Latino workers, limiting the possibility of increased economic security and a stronger America. But, the truth is that our economy won’t work without the workers we currently have.
Today, 22 million Latinos are at work in the U.S. It is projected that by 2018 Hispanics will represent 18 percent of the U.S. labor force, and by 2050 one in three American workers will be Latino. The Hispanic workforce is now the fastest-growing segment of our labor market. In many ways they represent the future of America’s economy. As demonstrated by their high labor participation rate and overrepresentation in growth industries, Latino workers are helping bolster our economic recovery. That’s something worth celebrating this Labor Day.
So let’s applaud our nation’s working men and women this Labor Day. But let’s also remember why America’s workers form the backbone of our nation’s economic growth. The comments that follow give voice to people throughout the country who acknowledge their role and importance in today’s labor market. We’d like to hear from you too.
Please read and share with us why our economy won’t work without you here!