$ 0 0 Every year, our country celebrates Labor Day with parades, rallies, and picnics as a way to acknowledge and commemorate the contributions of our nation’s workers. But lately it seems that for many, Labor Day serves as a reminder of an economy that feels like it’s hardly working. As of July 2012, 12.8 million people are unemployed, while at the same time, American employers continue to slash or outright deny workers a minimum wage and benefits like paid sick leave. In this economy, many low-wage workers have been left with limited bargaining leverage and fear taking action because they are worried about preserving their jobs. Lately it’s been tough for American workers, particularly Latinos, who confront additional unique barriers in the labor market. They face not only high unemployment but also the assumption that they don’t belong in this country. Anti-immigrant rhetoric has helped fuel the scapegoating of Latino workers, limiting the possibility of increased economic security and a stronger America. But, the truth is that our economy won’t work without the workers we currently have. Today, 22 million Latinos are at work in the U.S. It is projected that by 2018 Hispanics will represent 18 percent of the U.S. labor force, and by 2050 one in three American workers will be Latino. The Hispanic workforce is now the fastest-growing segment of our labor market. In many ways they represent the future of America’s economy. As demonstrated by their high labor participation rate and overrepresentation in growth industries, Latino workers are helping bolster our economic recovery. That’s something worth celebrating this Labor Day. So let’s applaud our nation’s working men and women this Labor Day. But let’s also remember why America’s workers form the backbone of our nation’s economic growth. The comments that follow give voice to people throughout the country who acknowledge their role and importance in today’s labor market. We’d like to hear from you too. Please read and share with us why our economy won’t work without you here! Margie, Berkeley, Calif: - Our economy won't work without the dedication of low income Immigrant Latinos to other families homes, children, food supplies, and wellbeing. Our economy cannot flourish while some within it do not have access to the benefits and challenges that others have. William, Philadelphia: - I one of those IT professions filling and empty market niche, keeping the computer systems, helping as many other immigrants to make this nation stronger and more productive. Jamie, Hoover, Ala.: - The economy won't work without me because I am a legal documented worker that pays taxes like all other Americans. Roger H., Hermosa Beach, Calif.: - Our economy won't work without me because I'm a retired person who needs to consume products made here by people here, regardless of how one spells their last name. Alex, Honloulu, Hawaii: - I am a consumer and I pay taxes. Rose, Minneapolis: - I am the strong middle class!!! Wanda, La Crosse, Wis.: - We help build our nation in many ways. We work hard and we also stimulate the economy by buying the foods. Avery, Portland, Ore.: - My work as a dispatcher keeps my cab company running. It is a collectively owned small business, with about 100 owners, and 200 lease drivers…Our business stimulates the local economy; the revenue does not leave the state, but rather goes back into the community. Miguel, Dallas: - I am the economy! Small business man, stock market investor, author and college administrator…I consider the American Dream an activity NOT a pastime. I would hope that America grasp how important Latinos are to this country's continued success. Roger, Portland, Wis.: - It takes all of us to make it work and the workers are the ones that are the back bone of this country and the ones that buy the products that make the profits for the wealthy. Patricia, Denver: - As the former Colorado District Director (lst Latina in this position in the country) of the U.S. Small Business Administration and retired 4 years ago --- I feel my experience, knowledge and expertise in assisting small businesses in Colorado has and currently is helping strengthen the economy. I currently have a small business to assist any and all small business owners with resources and basic information on how to succeed in their business, hiring employees, etc. Russel, Madison, Wis.: - Because if I don't spend some money, businesses will not survive. Helen, Oregon City, Ore.: - I help people learn, and people with learning minds are essential for an economy that works. Text Responses: I am a full time student that works 3 part time jobs to one day become a successful health professional. I pay my fair share of taxes and work to support education for all. I help people make good decisions about their finances. I help keep others healthy by helping individuals apply for public sponsored health care programs, including lihp (affordable care act). Our economy won't work without me because I educate the decision makers of the future. My service in the social sector creates important skills gathering for young people and families who take those skills and learn how to be active contributors to the economy. I work to keep women and children safe from violence. I manage a $20 million dollar retail store. I help out those with labor related issues with their pay. I am a Latino working hard, providing for my wife and taking absolutely no governmental aid. My wife and I are also teaching our youth in church and school to stay focused and break the stereotype for our people! Somos Latino, Estamos Unidos. I help put housing back in active use and assist people and organizations serve the economic and personal needs in their lives. I’m an entrepreneur supplying jobs for people that want to work. Providing work opportunities to help the economy. I shop at local businesses which have fair labor practices. I am a strong, determined and educated Latino woman that contributes faithfully to my country through my taxes and vote! We are part of a 1st generation of Latinos who are building financial institutions and financial capacity for our community, our kids and grandkids. I’m helping Illinois residents preserve their homes thru foreclosure prevention programs. I am an advocate for women working to eliminate the wage gap, to create healthy and safe workplaces for women, and to ensure women have economic security. I am doing the jobs others don’t want to do. I’m the president of a Hispanic chamber and a driving force to help with the language gap our business need me to lead our chamber to successfully promote and advocate for them. I help US armed forces veterans start small businesses & create jobs. I also help veterans find work & file V.A. benefits claims. This takes time, helps our vets and adds to our economy.