$ 0 0 [View the story "Jobs, Votes, and Papers: This Week in Social Media" on Storify]Jobs, Votes, and Papers: This Week in Social MediaStorified by NCLR · Sun, Sep 16 2012 13:43:16At the end of last week, new national jobs numbers revealed little change in Latino unemployment, which declined only slightly from 10.3% to 10.2%. This still lags unacceptably behind national average rate of 8.1%96,000 jobs added in August, many in low-paying sectors. Real recovery requires better jobs with living wages, benefits http://bit.ly/P7QVPONCLRWith bad a bad month for jobs numbers, Latino entrepreneurship continued to grow! According to the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Hispanic-owned small businesses numbered 3 million, representing the fastest growing segment.Small-Business Launches Highest Among LatinosHISPANIC CONFERENCE A Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute conference continues through Thursday, with policy makers, activists, and c...The US Hispanic Chamber also mentioned the Latino community's incredible purchasing power:Why are Hispanics an integral part of economy? Latino purchasing power =$1.2 trillion, larger than all but 13 countries http://ow.ly/dESc3NCLRundefinedFoxnewsObama Administration approves 1st wave of undocumented youth for deferred action, a step in the right direction. http://bit.ly/RLmVr4NCLRObama's executive order implementing Deferred Action for DREAM-eligible undocumented youth takes effect, approving the first wave of eligible children.As Elections Loom, Delayed Deportations Get ApprovalRoberto Larios, 21, (R) holds Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival application as he waits in line with hundreds of fellow undocumanted ...NCLR Announced the registration of over 65,000 new Latino voters through its #Mobilize2Vote campaign! Most voters were registered in California, Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Nevada, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Texas.Some of our fabulous #NCLR voter registration canvassers in #Miami! #Mobilize2Vote #Florida #Register #Vote!nclrOf course, registration can still be completed using our form onlineNational Council of La Raza | Mobilize to VoteJoin the Mobilize to Vote Challenge and register your friends and family to vote today!NCLR reminded the country that Voter ID restrictions are not race neutral, and would disproportionately affect young minority voters. A new study said as many as 700,000 such voters could be disenfranchised. Study: ID law would affect young minority voters(AP) WASHINGTON - As many as 700,000 minority voters under age 30 may be unable to cast a ballot in November because of photo ID laws in ...Leading the charge against disenfranchisement, Taboo of the Black Eyed Peas partnered up with NCLR to encourage voter registration. "When they ask you for your papers, show them your voter registration card."The Power of Your Vote - with Taboo from Black Eyed PeasnclrWhile NCLR got ready for September 25th's National Voter Registration Day...We are gearing up for National Voter Registration Day! Save the Date: September 25! #925NVRD #Mobilize2Vote http://instagr.am/p/Pj6XT1zdCK/NCLRVice President Joe Biden finally said out loud what's been on all our minds:Vice President Joe Biden: Latinos are the Most Powerful Force in PoliticsBy Raisa Camargo, Voxxi The Vice President echoed what is indirectly said about the Latino vote during the many speeches and events held ...undefinedNetdna-cdnNow that the man said it himself--Let's get to work!Latinos are 50 million strong. Let's start acting like it! Start by registering to vote! http://ow.ly/dHdwH #Mobilize2VoteNCLR2012 NBC NCLR ALMA AwardsCKKHMDY4Nj4QL8XNfJow4QOne last thing: Just one week until NCLR's ALMA Awards! Tune in to NBC at 8 on Friday, September 21st!