Make it Count in November
For National Voter Registration Day today, we’re joining hundreds of activists and organizations across the country to register as many new voters as possible.
We’ve been giving you lots of reasons to vote the past few months, but we know some of you may still not have gotten the message. So, to help us out, we thought we’d enlist the help of our good friend Taboo, from the Black Eyed Peas, to explain why it’s so important that you do it this year.
There are lots of ways for you to get involved, but first we want to make sure that YOU are registered. You can use the tool below to register to vote, print your form, and mail it in to your local officials. It’s easy! Try it out now.
So, now that you understand why you need to vote and now that you’re registered, how about you help us spread the word! Share this page on Facebook or email this link to all of your friends so they register today, too. There are a mere 42 days left until Election Day and this year, Latinos are poised now more than ever to determine the outcome. That’s power folks. Don’t let it go to waste.