[View the story "The Week in Social Media " on Storify ]The Week in Social Media It's been a while since we posted our top social media posts of the week, so here you are! Storified by NCLR · Fri, Aug 10 2012 14:20:33
We start out with our latest video done in conjunction with Cuentame.org. We're fighting back against voter suppression and we intend to win!
This Is How You Fight Voter Suppression!bravenewfoundation
Here are some of the best tweets of the week.
New study shows more Latinos are going to college, but still lag behind the overall U.S. pop. http://ow.ly/cNRWo @nationaljournalNCLR
At least one state bar is doing the right thing! "Florida Bar: Undocumented Immigrant Can be Lawyer" http://fxn.ws/S2jFZb via @foxnewslatinoNCLR
Who could forget the moving and inspirational story of Leo Manzano? The former undocumented track star who won a silver medal at the 2012 Olympics in London! Congratulations, Leo!
Congrats @Leomanzano on your silver medal! You're truly an inspiration to #Latinos and immigrants everywhere! http://ow.ly/cPu7xNCLR
President Obama's deferred action for DREAMers is still making news. We've got a great resource for anyone seeking to file for it.
We've got all the information you need on deferred action for DREAMers here: http://ow.ly/cPFGL #immigration #DREAMActNCLR
An important transportation policy bill was reauthorized in Congress, but does it do enough? NCLR's Catherine Singley weighs in.
Paving the Future of Transportation Policy: What Congress Smoothed Over, and Where Potholes Remain http://ow.ly/cOejdNCLR
The Florida State Bar made big news this week when it announced that it is okay with an undocumented man join the bar.
At least one state bar is doing the right thing! "Florida Bar: Undocumented Immigrant Can be Lawyer" http://fxn.ws/S2jFZb via @foxnewslatinoNCLR
You know we have to remind you to register to vote!!
Two reasons to vote: 16 million Latinos lack health insurance? Or an 11% #unemployment rate? http://ow.ly/cRh67NCLR
Our post on the janitors strike in Houston was probably one our most popular this week. Thanks for weighing in everyone!
JP Morgan Chase CEO... | FacebookJP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon makes $9,000 every 49 minutes. The Houston janitors who clean his office make $9,000/year. Think it's tim...
Don't forget to tune into to watch the NCLR ALMA Awards Friday, September 21 at 8 pm! Join our Facebook event for more details!
Don't miss the 2012... | FacebookDon't miss the 2012 ALMA Awards on NBC! And, be sure to vote for your favorite Latino celebrity and be entered for the chance to win a tr...
Finally, the Census made big news this week when it announced that it will start offering "Hispanic" as a racial option instead of as an ethnicity option in the next Census. It is surely a controversial move. Don't expect for this news to die down anytime soon.
It's no secret that... | FacebookIt's no secret that the U.S. will soon be primarily made up of people of color. The Census Bureau is preparing early and will offer "Hisp...
And, that's the NCLR week in social media! Keep coming back for more updates! Have a good weekend!