Joseph Rendeiro
(202) 776-1566
Yesterday, the President signed a continuing resolution passed by Congress that will make the sequester—the devastating automatic budget cuts that hit on March 1—the de facto budget for Fiscal Year 2013. Congress left last week for recess after failing to reach an agreement on the federal budget proposals put forth by both the Senate and the House of Representatives. Although we are glad that a government shutdown has been averted, NCLR (National Council of La Raza) is deeply concerned about the severe consequences that “kicking the can down the road” on the budget will have for Latino families.
“Congress leaving town without agreeing to the federal budget sends a clear message that they are accepting the sequester as reality, regardless of how irresponsible and dangerous it is,” said Janet Murguía, President and CEO of NCLR. “Latinos and other vulnerable communities shouldn’t be forced to live without vital programs that they rely on for health and education because lawmakers chose to dig their heels in instead of working together.”
“President Obama and Congress must put partisanship aside and replace the sequester with a fair and equitable budget that grows the economy, invests in the future and protects vulnerable people,” added Murguía. “Latino families have paid their fair share of deficit reduction—it’s time for the president and Congress to deliver responsible solutions that prioritize the health and well-being of our communities and our economy.”