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MSNBC Presenta los Premios ALMA® 2014 del NCLR el Viernes 10 de Octubre


PARA DIVULGACIÓN INMEDIATA                                                            Contacto:
18 de marzo de 2014                                                                                 Julián Teixeira
                                                                                                                  (202) 776-1812

LOS ANGELES—NCLR (Consejo Nacional de La Raza por sus siglas en ingles) anunció que Comcast NBCUniversal Telemundo será el socio oficial de la transmisión en VIVO de los “Premios ALMA® (American Latino Media Arts) 2014 del NCLR por MSNBC. Este año el programa se trasmitirá el viernes 10 de octubre a las 10:00 PM ET (tiempo del este)/7:00 PM PT (tiempo del Pacífico) en colaboración con BIG VIDA Entertainment. 

“Los Premios ALMA es una orgullosa tradición para el NCLR y estamos muy contentos de que Comcast NBCUniversal siga siendo nuestro socio”, dijo Janet Murguía, productora ejecutiva de los premios ALMA y presidenta y directora general del NCLR. “La ceremonia de los premios tiene como propósito reconocer la influencia que los latinos tienen en la industria del entretenimiento y poder destacar las increíbles historias de cómo estas celebridades usan sus plataformas nacional y mundial para aumentar la concientización de las causas importantes para ellos y para la comunidad latina.

“Comcast NBCUniversal Telemundo está emocionado de ser la emisora oficial de los Premios ALMA 2014 del NCLR”, dijo David L. Cohen, vicepresidente ejecutivo de Comcast Corporation. “Estamos orgullosos de nuestra alianza con el NCLR y consideramos que los Premios ALMA son una parte memorable de nuestra celebración del Mes de la Herencia Hispana en nuestras plataformas en vivo, bajo demanda y digital”.

La transmisión por televisión, durante el Mes de la Herencia Hispana, celebrará las aportaciones de los latinos a la industria del entretenimiento, destacando sus extraordinarios logros de este año con tributos a la excelencia artística y las excepcionales causas filantrópicas, así como a las inspiradoras actuaciones e interpretaciones musicales. El especial será producido por Flavio Morales, Sergio Alfaro y John Ehrhard, productores ejecutivos de la empresa dirigida por latinos BIG VIDA Entertainment. También como productoras ejecutivas estarán la actriz y activista Eva Longoria y Janet Murguía.

“Estamos sumamente agradecidos al NCLR y MSNBC por volver a invitar a BIG VIDA para producir los Premios ALMA 2014 del NCLR”, dijo Sergio Alfaro. “Estamos orgullosos del papel que jugamos para ayudar al NCLR a dar una nueva dirección al programa, y vemos su impacto positivo en los televidentes de MSNBC. Los medios latinos están estallando y ALMA está marcando un hito este año. Esperamos seguir trabajando con nuestros socios para ayudar, una vez más, a elevar el listón para los televidentes”.

El espectáculo de la entrega de premios que rompe barreras, es el único programa televisado a nivel nacional en el horario de mayor audiencia de habla inglesa, que celebra las aportaciones de los latinos al mundo del espectáculo y los medios de comunicación. Los receptores de los premios del año pasado incluyen al director Roberto Rodríguez, al músico Carlos Santana y a la actriz Rosario Dawson. Los anfitriones fueron Eva Longoria y la estrella de la televisión Mario López.
La programación televisiva de los Premios ALMA 2014 del NCLR incluirá:

  • “Premios ALMA 2014 del NCLR” - Transmisión en VIVO del especial de una hora de duración: viernes 10 de octubre a las 10:00 PM tiempo del este (ET)/7:00 PM PT (tiempo del Pacífico) por MSNBC.
  •  “Después de los ALMA” - Transmisión de una hora en VIVO del especial de noticias sobre los asuntos que afectan a la comunidad latina, presentado por Alex Wagner de la cadena MSNBC con Janet Murguía y otros invitados: viernes 10 de octubre a las 11:00 PM tiempo del este (ET)/8:00 PM PT (tiempo del Pacífico) por MSNBC.

Los admiradores de los artistas podrán acceder a la programación relacionada, incluyendo el ”Especial de la alfombra roja de los Premios ALMA 2014”, que presentará a los artistas, presentadores, anfitriones y homenajeados sobre la alfombra roja, así como las retransmisiones de los “Premios ALMA 2014 del NCLR” durante el Mes de la Herencia Hispana en mun2. Habrán entrevistas exclusivas a celebridades y material tras las cortinas disponibles en Video on Demand de Comcast y en Telemundo.com/ALMA.

“Este año, el NCLR también celebra su 15ava transmisión de los Premios ALMA”, agregó Murguía. "Si bien hemos honrado a muchos iconos del mundo del entretenimiento y la cultura popular de Estados Unidos, estoy sorprendida de la enorme reserva de talento de la comunidad latina que todavía tenemos que reconocer. No tengo ninguna duda de que los Premios ALMA 2014 del NCLR será otro gran desfile de estrellas".

Para información adicional, incluyendo el anuncio de los anfitriones, presentadores y artistas de la ceremonia de este año, visite www.almaawards.com, siga el programa en Twitter en @almaawards, visite instagram.com/almaawards o sígalo en Instagram con el hashtag #ALMA14.


Acerca de NCLR
El NCLR (Consejo Nacional de La Raza) es la organización nacional más grande de apoyo y defensa de los derechos civiles de los hispanos en los Estados Unidos y
trabaja para mejorar sus oportunidades. La presentación de los Premios ALMA del NCLR es una parte integral de esa misión: un programa especial de entretenimiento a nivel nacional emitido en una cadena de televisión en horario estelar y con una causa –mostrar cómo la diversidad fortalece nuestro país y cómo la inclusión fortalece la industria del entretenimiento de EE.UU. Para más información sobre el NCLR, por favor visite www.nclr.org o síganos en Facebook y Twitter.

Acerca de Comcast Corporation
Comcast Corporation (Nasdaq: CMCSA, CMCSK) es una compañía global de medios de comunicación y tecnología con dos empresas principales, Comcast Cable y NBCUniversal. Comcast Cable es uno de los proveedores más grandes del país de servicios de video, telefonía e Internet de alta velocidad para clientes residenciales bajo la marca XFINITY y también provee estos servicios a empresas. NBCUniversal opera 30 redes por cable de noticias, entretenimiento y deportes; las cadenas NBC y Telemundo; producciones para televisión; grupos de estaciones de televisión; Universal Pictures; Universal Parks y complejos turísticos. Para más información, visite www.comcastcorporation.com.

Acerca de MSNBC
MSNBC es el principal destino para el análisis profundo de los titulares diarios, comentarios políticos ilustrativos y perspectivas informadas. MSNBC llega a más de 95 millones de hogares a nivel mundial y ofrece un programa completo en vivo de noticias, opiniones políticas y programación con documentales premiados –24 horas del día, 7 días a la semana. Los televidentes pueden encontrar más información sobre la programación de MSNBC en www.tv.msnbc.com.

Acerca de BIG VIDA Entertainment
BIG VIDA Entertainment es una compañía de producción que crea contenido en inglés y español para la creciente comunidad latina de EE.UU. y el mercado internacional. Lanzada en 2013 por John Ehrhard, director general de Pink Sneakers Productions, BIG VIDA está dirigida por el experto productor de televisión Sergio Alfaro, presidente, y el ganador del Premio Peabody Flavio Morales, vicepresidente ejecutivo. El primer espectáculo de la compañía fue los Premios ALMA® 2013 del NCLR que fue un éxito y dio pie a que nuevamente el NCLR invitara al equipo de BIG VIDA a producir el espectáculo de este año. BIG VIDA busca servir a la diversa audiencia latina con diferentes géneros, desde programas de televisión de la vida real y programas con guión, hasta eventos en vivo y programas de contenido corto y largo. BIG VIDA está comprometida con los valores de producción más altos, independientemente del medio. La compañía aprovecha como cimiento de partida la experiencia y trayectoria de su compañía hermana PINK SNEAKERS PRODUCTIONS con oficinas en Orlando y Burbank. www.bigvida.com.


MSNBC to Broadcast 2014 NCLR ALMA Awards® on Friday, Oct. 10


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                           Contact:
March 18, 2014                                                                               Julian Teixeira
                                                                                                        (202) 776-1812

LOS ANGELES—NCLR (National Council of La Raza) announced Comcast NBCUniversal Telemundo as the Official Broadcast Partner of the “2014 NCLR ALMA (American Latino Media Arts) Awards®” LIVE on MSNBC. This year’s broadcast will air on Friday, Oct. 10 at 10:00 p.m. ET/7:00 p.m. PT in association with BIG VIDA Entertainment.

“The ALMA Awards is a proud tradition for NCLR and we’re excited to continue our strong partnership with Comcast NBCUniversal,” said Janet Murguía, ALMA Awards Executive Producer and President and CEO of NCLR. “This awards ceremony recognizes the impact Latinos are making in the entertainment industry and highlights incredible stories of how these celebrities use their national and global platforms to raise awareness of the causes important to them and the Latino community.

“Comcast NBCUniversal Telemundo is thrilled to be the Official Broadcast Partner for the 2014 NCLR ALMA Awards,” said David L. Cohen, Executive Vice President of Comcast Corporation. “We are proud of our partnership with NCLR and consider the ALMA Awards a highlight of our Hispanic Heritage Month celebration across our on-air, on-demand and digital platforms.”

The telecast will air during National Hispanic Heritage Month and celebrate the contributions of Latinos in the entertainment industry, highlighting the year’s outstanding achievements with tributes to career excellence and outstanding philanthropy, as well as inspiring musical performances and acts. The special will be produced by Flavio Morales, Sergio Alfaro and John Ehrhard, executive producers of Latino-led BIG VIDA Entertainment. Also serving as executive producers are actress/activist Eva Longoria and Janet Murguía.

“We’re extremely grateful to NCLR and MSNBC for bringing back BIG VIDA to produce the 2014 NCLR ALMA Awards,” says Alfaro. “We are proud of the direct role we had in helping NCLR move in a new direction with the show, and we saw the positive impact on MSNBC’s viewers. Latino media is exploding and ALMA is hitting a milestone this year. We look forward to working with our partners to help raise the bar once more for the viewers.”

The barrier-breaking awards show is the only nationally televised prime-time English-language program celebrating Latino contributions to entertainment and media. Last year’s recipients included director Robert Rodriguez, musician Carlos Santana and actress Rosario Dawson. Eva Longoria and TV personality Mario Lopez hosted.

On-air programming for the 2014 NCLR ALMA Awards will include:

          • “2014 NCLR ALMA Awards” LIVE broadcast of a one-hour awards special:
             Friday, Oct. 10 at 10:00 p.m. ET/7:00 p.m. PT on MSNBC

          • “After the ALMAs” LIVE broadcast of a one-hour news special on issues affecting the Latino community hosted by MSNBC’s Alex Wagner with Janet Murguía and others:
             Friday, Oct. 10 at 11:00 p.m. ET/8:00 p.m. PT on MSNBC

Fans will access related programming including the “2014 NCLR ALMA Awards All Access Red Carpet Special” with performers, presenters, hosts and honorees on the red carpet as well as encore presentations of the “2014 NCLR ALMA Awards” throughout Hispanic Heritage Month on mun2. Exclusive celebrity interviews and behind-the-scenes footages will be available for Comcast Video on Demand and on Telemundo.com/ALMA.

“This year NCLR also celebrates our 15th broadcast of the ALMA Awards,” Murguía added. “While we have honored many icons in America’s entertainment and pop culture, I am amazed by the deep pool of talent from the Latino community we have yet to recognize. I have no doubt that the 2014 NCLR ALMA Awards will bring together another tremendous, star-studded showcase.”

For additional information, including announcements about the host, presenters and performers at this year’s ceremony, visit www.almaawards.com, use the handle @almaawards on Twitter, and visit instagram.com/almaawards or use hashtag #ALMA14 on Instagram.


About NCLR
NCLR—the largest national Hispanic civil rights and advocacy organization in the United States—works to improve opportunities for Hispanic Americans. The NCLR ALMA Awards presentation is an integral part of that mission: a national prime-time television network entertainment special with a cause—to show how diversity strengthens our country and how inclusion strengthens the American entertainment industry. For more information on NCLR, please visit www.nclr.org or follow along on Facebook and on Twitter.

About Comcast Corporation
Comcast Corporation (Nasdaq: CMCSA, CMCSK) is a global media and technology company with two primary businesses, Comcast Cable and NBCUniversal. Comcast Cable is the nation's largest video, high-speed Internet and phone provider to residential customers under the XFINITY brand and also provides these services to businesses. NBCUniversal operates 30 news, entertainment and sports cable networks, the NBC and Telemundo broadcast networks, television production operations, television station groups, Universal Pictures and Universal Parks and Resorts. Visit www.comcastcorporation.com for more information.

MSNBC is the premier destination for in-depth analysis of daily headlines, insightful political commentary and informed perspectives. Reaching more than 95 million households worldwide, MSNBC offers a full schedule of live news coverage, political opinions and award-winning documentary programming – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Viewers can find more information on MSNBC’s programming at www.tv.msnbc.com.

About BIG VIDA Entertainment
BIG VIDA Entertainment is a full service production company creating content in English and Spanish to serve the fast-growing U.S. Latino and international markets. Launched in 2013 by John Ehrhard, CEO of Pink Sneakers Productions, BIG VIDA is led by experienced TV producers Sergio Alfaro, President, and Peabody Award winner Flavio Morales, Executive Vice President. The company’s first show was the 2013 NCLR ALMA Awards®, which was a success and prompted NCLR to bring back the Latino-led BIG VIDA team to produce the 2014 edition. BIG VIDA looks to serve the diverse Latino audiences with different genres, from reality and scripted, to live events, long and short form content. BIG VIDA is about authenticity with the highest production values, regardless of the medium. The company is building on the experience and track record of its sister company PINK SNEAKERS PRODUCTIONS with offices in Orlando and Burbank. www.bigvida.com.


Two San Antonio Events to Focus on Healthy Eating




Kathy Mimberg, NCLR
(202) 776-1714, kmimberg@nclr.org
Crystal Requejo, MAUC
(210) 978-0504, crequejo@mauc.org


On ADA Diabetes Alert Day®, health educators will visit local store to fill shopping bags with healthy food choices, and then offer nutrition and cooking tips at evening community forum

SAN ANTONIO-On Tuesday, March 25, two events will bring information on healthy eating and living to the Latino community in San Antonio: a shopping expedition from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. at a local H-E-B store during which health educators will fill grocery bags with nutritious foods; and a community forum from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the Mexican American Unity Council, Inc. (MAUC) that will feature a cooking demonstration and nutrition advice as part of a discussion on how to overcome obstacles to achieving a healthy lifestyle.

MAUC, a member of the NCLR (National Council of La Raza) Affiliate Network, will host the evening community forum, titled "Selecci￳n Sana, Vida Saludable," at its offices, located at 2300 W Commerce Street in San Antonio. The event is free and open to the public.

These activities are timely, as they coincide with American Diabetes' Association Diabetes Alert Day® on March 25. Nearly 80 percent of Hispanics in the U.S. are overweight, a risk factor for heart disease, stroke and diabetes. As our nation approaches the March 31 deadline for enrollment in health coverage under the Affordable Care Act, this forum is an important reminder that nutrition, exercise and regular medical care are vital to the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases.

Interviews and photos are available during both activities. For more information, please contact Kathy Mimberg, NCLR, at (202) 776-1714 or kmimberg@nclr.org, or Crystal Requejo, MAUC, at (210) 978-0504 or crequejo@mauc.org.


Two nutrition events in San Antonio open to the media:

  • Healthy shopping expedition with nutrition educators
  • MAUC community forum on nutrition and cooking demonstration

Tuesday, March 25, 2014:

  • Healthy shopping expedition: 12:30-1:30 p.m.
  • MAUC community forum: 6:00-8:00 p.m.

Healthy Shopping Expedition (12:30-1:30 p.m.)
H-E-B Grocery
108 N Rosillo Street
San Antonio, TX 78207

MAUC Community Forum (6:00-8:00 p.m.)
2300 W Commerce Street
San Antonio, TX 78207

Representatives from MAUC and NCLR; nutritionists; promotores de salud; families attending the community forum

MAUC provides guidance and services in the areas of education, housing, community and economic development. For more information on MAUC, please visit www.mauc.org.

NCLR-the largest national Hispanic civil rights and advocacy organization in the United States-works to improve opportunities for Latinos. For more information on NCLR, please visit www.nclr.org, or follow us on Facebook and Twitter.


¡Inscribete! Con solo dias para inscribirse a un plan de seguro medico



Camila Gallardo
(305) 215-4259


WASHINGTON, D.C.—El 31 de marzo marcará la fecha límite para nuevas inscripciones en planes de seguro medico bajo la Ley de Cuidado de Salud Asequible (ACA por sus siglas en ingles) para aquellos que desean obtener cobertura en el 2014. En estos días finales, NCLR ha trabajado arduamente con sus grupos afiliados y comunitarios para informar y facilitar la inscripción de latinos en los mercados de salud a través de navegadores o en el sitio web www.cuidadodesalud.gov. Los hispanos corren un riesgo más alto para condiciones crónicas como la diabetes y un nivel elevado de colesterol; a la vez también representan el grupo étnico que mas carece de cobertura médica—casi uno de cada tres hispanos no cuenta con seguro medico.

“Nuestra comunidad no tiene el lujo de esperar un día más para elegir un seguro médico entre las múltiples opciones que ofrece los mercados de seguro médico. Si no se inscriben antes del 31 de marzo, no podrán obtener cobertura hasta el 2015 y algunos hasta podrían ser sujetos a una penalidad. Queremos que tomen ventaja de esta gran oportunidad para mejorar su salud y la de sus familiares,” dijo Alejandra Gepp, Directora Asociada, Instituto de la Salud Hispana, NCLR.

En ciudades a través del pais, NCLR se ha unido a otros grupos comunitarios y navegadores—personas entrenadas para ayudar en el proceso de inscripción—en eventos gratuitos donde han logrado tener un impacto en el número de inscripciones. A pesar de esfuerzos similares en múltiples ciudades del pais, todavía quedan muchos latinos por inscribir. El gobierno ayer anuncio que extendería la fecha límite para aquellos quienes ya han comenzado el proceso de inscripción per se han encontrado con problemas técnicos o dificultades.

“Lo más importante que podemos hacer es velar por nuestra salud y la de nuestras familias. Uno nunca sabe cuando pueda caer enfermo y considerando el alto costo de una hospitalización, seleccionar entre estos seguros—algunos que pueden costar hasta menos de $100 al mes—es la mejor opción,” concluyo Gepp.

Para más información sobre los planes disponibles, el público debe visitar: www.cuidadodesalud.gov o llamar al: (800) 318-2596.

El Consejo Nacional de La Raza (NCLR, por sus siglas en inglés) –la organización nacional más grande de apoyo y defensa de los derechos civiles de los hispanos en los Estados Unidos– trabaja para mejorar las oportunidades de los estadounidenses hispanos. Para mayor información sobre el NCLR, por favor visite www.nclr.org o síganos en Facebook y Twitter.


NCLR to House Republican Leadership: Give America a Vote on Immigration Reform



Joseph Rendeiro
(202) 776-1566

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Earlier today, Democrats in the House of Representatives launched a discharge petition to advance bipartisan immigration legislation in the House. The petition comes after failure from House Republican leadership to bring long-awaited immigration reform legislation forward, despite broad-based support from the American public. NCLR (National Council of La Raza) applauds House Democrats for continuing to push for a vote.

“When it comes to immigration reform, House Republican leadership isn’t doing any leading at all; they remain the biggest roadblock to Congress delivering a permanent solution that will bring order and stability to our immigration system, and economic growth to our country,” said Janet Murguía, President and CEO of NCLR. “It is time for the coalition of the willing to step forward. Our community demands relief from the humanitarian crisis caused by deportations, and we will remember who intervened to resolve it. House Republican leadership is not fooling Latino voters. By stalling on legislation, they are directly contributing to this crisis. They have a chance to move forward, or they will lose the Latino vote for generations to come.”

NCLR—the largest national Hispanic civil rights and advocacy organization in the United States—works to improve opportunities for Hispanic Americans. For more information on NCLR, please visit www.nclr.org or follow along on Facebook and Twitter.


Peers for Progress and NCLR Report Highlights How to Harness Community Support for Better Health



FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                  Contact:
April 3, 2014                                                                                          Catherine Brady
                                                                                                              (617) 945-9316; catherine@jpa.com
                                                                                                              Kathy Mimberg
                                                                                                              (202) 776-1714; kmimberg@nclr.org

Peer approach outlined in Affordable Care Act can improve quality of care and reduce costs

LEAWOOD, Kan. and WASHINGTON, D.C.—Just as seven million Americans obtain health insurance under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), Peers for Progress and NCLR (National Council of La Raza) today released a report that examines how peer support programs improve health outcomes by boosting outreach and education for disease prevention and management. The report, “Peer Support in Health – Evidence to Action,” is a guide for health care organizations developing peer support programs that will help people with health problems live healthier lives. Peer support programs are located throughout the U.S. and are included in the ACA as a way to improve health care quality and reduce costs. 

The report summarizes findings from the first annual conference of the National Peer Support Collaborative Learning Network. The conference, under the leadership of Peers for Progress, a program of the American Academy of Family Physicians Foundation, and NCLR, convened leaders in health care and peer support to discuss current strengths and future needs in the field.

“We are proud of this report and our work with NCLR to advance an important model of care that makes a difference in the lives of patients,” said Edwin Fisher, Ph.D., Global Director for Peers for Progress. “As state and local communities implement the ACA’s provisions and face a marked increase in the number of patients, peer support programs will be fundamental to success. We must ensure that peer support programs are reimbursed and available to all.”

Peer support programs hold great promise to help people lead healthier, more satisfying lives and achieve the goals of health reform. As the report documents, these programs have quantifiable success in improving the quality of care, lowering costs and reducing health disparities. They help individuals prevent and improve the management of disease through engagement and particularly benefit populations, such as low income groups, that other programs fail to reach. Included in the report is a review of 14 programs for adults with diabetes that demonstrated an average reduction in a key measure of blood sugar control, HbA1c, of 0.86 points, a marked improvement over the 0.50 point reduction that is considered clinically significant.

“Peer support programs are critical to improved health. The promotores de salud model, which prepares lay health educators for community outreach, has proven effective in helping Latinos get access to health care and make lifestyle changes to curb the rising rates of chronic diseases such as diabetes and obesity,” said A. Manuela McDonough, MPH, CPH, Associate Director of NCLR’s Institute for Hispanic Health (IHH). “We expect that our health care system will increasingly rely on peer supporters, like the promotores, to fully engage with underserved communities and help improve health and overall well-being.”

The Latino community can particularly benefit from the health and wellness messages distributed through peer support programs. Nearly 80 percent of Hispanics are overweight and almost 40 percent are obese, risk factors that contribute to a high rate of diabetes, heart disease and stroke.

As shown by Peers for Progress, effective peer support programs assist patients in daily self-care, link patients to appropriate clinical and community resources and provide ongoing social and emotional support. The inaugural report provides insights across multiple programs with approaches for scaling up and maintaining comprehensive, versatile peer support programs for populations. The report is available at http://bit.ly/1fMOkpz.

About Peers for Progress
A program of the American Academy of Family Physicians Foundation, Peers for Progress is dedicated to promoting peer support in health, health care and prevention around the world. Through research, collaborative sharing of program and quality improvement resources, and supporting advocacy, it seeks to help the thousands of peer support programs around the world learn from each other, improve the services they offer, gain greater recognition of their work, and achieve integration of peer support as a normal, widely available component of high-quality health care. For more information on Peers for Progress, visit www.peersforprogress.org, or follow us on Twitter

About NCLR
NCLR—the largest national Hispanic civil rights and advocacy organization in the United States—works to improve opportunities for Latinos. For more information on NCLR, please visit www.nclr.org, or follow us on Facebook and Twitter.


Informe de Peers for Progress y NCLR Destaca Cómo el Apoyo Comunitario Ayuda a Mejorar la Salud



PARA DIVULGACIÓN INMEDIATA                                           PARA MÁS INFORMACIÓN:
3 de abril, 2014                                                                         Catherine Brady
                                                                                                  (617) 945-9316; Catherine@jpa.com
                                                                                                  Kathy Mimberg
                                                                                                  (202) 776-1714; kmimberg@nclr.org

Los programas de apoyo—incluidos en la Ley de Cuidado de Salud Asequible—pueden mejorar la calidad y reducir los costos del cuidado médico

LEAWOOD, KANSAS y WASHINGTON, DC—Ya que siete millones de personas han obtenido un seguro médico bajo la Ley de Cuidado de Salud Asequible (ACA), Peers for Progress y NCLR (Consejo Nacional de La Raza) dieron a conocer hoy un informe que examina cómo los programas de apoyo pueden mejoran la salud con aumentar la educación sobre la prevención y control de las enfermedades. El informe, llamado “Peer Support in Health – Evidence to Action,” ayuda a las organizaciones de atención médica a desarrollar programas de apoyo entre pares que alientan a la gente a llevar una vida más sana y a cuidarse de las enfermedades que pudieran padecer. Estos programas están disponibles en todo el país y se incluyen en la ley ACA como una manera de mejorar la atención médica y reducir los costos.

El informe resume los hallazgos de la primera conferencia anual de la National Peer Support Collaborative Learning Network (Red Nacional de Aprendizaje Colaborativo por el Apoyo Entre Pares). La conferencia, bajo la dirección de Peers for Progress, un programa de la Fundación de la Academia Americana de Médicos de Familia, y el NCLR, convocó a los líderes en atención médica y apoyo comunitario para discutir las fortalezas actuales y las necesidades futuras en el ramo.

“Estamos orgullosos de este informe y de nuestro trabajo con el NCLR para promover un modelo importante de atención médica que haga la diferencia en la vida de los pacientes”, dijo Edwin Fisher, poseedor de un doctorado y director global de Peers for Progress. “De manera que los estados y las comunidades locales implementan las provisiones de la ley ACA, y se enfrentan a un marcado aumento en el número de pacientes, los programas de apoyo comunitario serán fundamentales para tener éxito. Debemos asegurarnos de que los programas sean reembolsados y estén disponibles para todos”.

Los programas de apoyo comunitario prometen ayudar a las personas a llevar vidas más sanas y satisfactorias así como a lograr las metas de la reforma de salud. Como se documenta en el informe, estos programas tienen un éxito cuantificable en la mejora de la calidad de la atención médica, la disminución de los costos y la reducción de las disparidades en la salud. Ayudan a los individuos a prevenir y mejorar el control de las enfermedades a través del compromiso y beneficia especialmente a aquellos, como los grupos de bajos ingresos, que otros programas no logran alcanzar. El informe incluye una revisión de 14 programas para adultos con diabetes que demostraron una reducción media en la medida clave de control glucémico, HbA1c, de 0.86 puntos, una mejora con respecto a la reducción de .50 puntos que se considera clínicamente significativo.

“Los programas de apoyo son críticos para mejorar la salud. El modelo de promotores de salud, que los prepara para la divulgación comunitaria, ha demostrado ser eficaz para ayudar a los latinos a tener acceso a la atención médica y hacer los cambios de estilo de vida que frenen los índices de las enfermedades crónicas como la diabetes y la obesidad” dijo A. Manuela McDonough, MPH, CPH, directora asociada del Instituto para la Salud Hispana (IHH) del NCLR. “Esperamos que nuestro sistema de salud dependa cada vez más del apoyo comunitario, como el modelo de los promotores, para participar plenamente en las comunidades marginadas y ayudar a mejorar la salud y el bienestar general”.

La comunidad latina, en particular, puede beneficiarse de los mensajes de salud y bienestar distribuidos a través de los programas de apoyo comunitario. Cerca del 80 % de los hispanos tiene sobrepeso y casi el 40 % está obeso, factores de riesgo que contribuyen a un alto índice de diabetes, enfermedades cardiacas y derrames cerebrales.

Como lo muestra Peers for Progress, los programa eficaces de apoyo comunitario ayudan a los pacientes en el cuidado diario de sí mismo, los conectan con los recursos clínicos y comunitarios adecuados y les proveen apoyo social y emocional continuo. El informe inaugural proporciona información a través de múltiples programas con enfoques para ampliar y mantener programas integrales y versátiles de apoyo entre pares para la población. El informe está disponible en http://bit.ly/1fMOkpz.

Acerca de Peers for Progress
Un programa de la Fundación de la Academia Americana de Médicos de Familia, Peers for Progress (peersforprogress.org@Peers4Progress) se dedica a promover el apoyo comunitario en materia de salud, atención médica y prevención en todo el mundo. A través de la investigación, el intercambio colaborativo de programas y recursos para mejorar la calidad y la promoción del apoyo, busca ayudar a los miles de programas de apoyo comunitario de todo el mundo a que aprendan unos de otros, mejoren los servicios que ofrecen, obtengan un mayor reconocimiento de su trabajo y logren la integración del apoyo comunitario como un componente normal y ampliamente disponible de la atención médica de alta calidad .

Acerca del NCLR
El NCLR (Consejo Nacional de La Raza) es la organización nacional más grande de apoyo y defensa de los derechos civiles de los hispanos en los Estados Unidos y trabaja para mejorar sus oportunidades. Para más información sobre el NCLR, por favor visite www.nclr.org o síganos en Facebook y Twitter.


NCLR Applauds Congressional Hispanic Caucus for Endorsing Antibullying Legislation


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                     Contact:
April 3, 2014                                                                              Joseph Rendeiro
                                                                                                  (202) 776-1566


WASHINGTON, D.C.—Earlier today, the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) voted to endorse the “Safe Schools Improvement Act (SSIA)” (H.R. 1199), a bill that would require schools to issue and enforce rules prohibiting bullying and order states to report data on bullying to the U.S. Department of Education. NCLR (National Council of La Raza) applauds the CHC for taking the necessary steps to ensure that our schools are a harassment-free zone, as well as Congresswoman Linda Sánchez (D–Calif.), the lead sponsor of this bill, who has worked tirelessly to champion this essential piece of legislation.

“Bullying is an epidemic in our schools. Unfortunately, Latino children, and LGBT Latino children in particular, are at greater risk of experiencing this type of harassment, which only compounds the barriers to educational success that already exist for Hispanic students,” said Eric Rodriguez, Vice President of the Office of Research, Advocacy and Legislation at NCLR. “This legislation is a crucial piece of the puzzle that will help us turn the tide on bullying for all children. We look forward to getting this bill on the president’s desk to be signed into law.”

NCLR—the largest national Hispanic civil rights and advocacy organization in the United States—works to improve opportunities for Hispanic Americans. For more information on NCLR, please visit www.nclr.org or follow along on Facebook and Twitter.


USDA Misconstrues Federal Report at Congressional Budget Hearing


For Immediate Release:

Joseph Rendiero
(202) 776-1566

Agency’s Proposal Remains Threat to Worker Safety

During a House hearing this week, U.S. Department of Agriculture officials misconstrued the findings of a federal report examining work conditions at a South Carolina poultry plant, possibly leading lawmakers to wrongly believe that a USDA proposal to speed up evisceration lines at poultry plants won’t affect worker safety, according to a coalition of worker rights and food safety groups.

The misleading testimony was offered during a House Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee hearing this week. The USDA’s Food Safety Inspection Service cited a report by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) as evidence that their proposal to increase processing line speeds in poultry plants from the current maximum of 140 birds per minute to 175 birds per minute would not endanger workers.

USDA’s proposed new regulation also would endanger consumer safety by removing hundreds of federal food safety inspectors from plants, giving plant employees the responsibility for spotting and removing tainted chicken from the line.

The following statements can be attributed to the coalition:

“The supposed evidence the USDA offered to support its proposal to speed up poultry processing lines is a report that examined one poultry plant that wasn’t even operating under the conditions the agency has proposed. In other words, the USDA has yet to show their proposal won’t harm workers.”

The NIOSH report – Evaluation of Musculoskeletal Disorders and Traumatic Injuries Among Employees at a Poultry Processing Plant – evaluated working conditions at a South Carolina plant, which was not part of the USDA’s pilot program for its proposal. The plant was examined and a report issued after it requested a waiver from the USDA to combine two evisceration lines into one.

Key points that prevent this report from supporting the USDA’s proposal include the following issues with the report:

  • The South Carolina plant did not make the line-related changes that plants will likely make under the USDA’s proposed rule.
  • NIOSH’s report does not reflect the effects of an increase in work speed, but does show the hazards of consistently fast work speeds. After the plant combined two evisceration lines into one, the number of birds processed per minute by each worker did not change, and injury rates remained unacceptably high for workers.

“It is irresponsible for USDA to conclude that this single report by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health is a green light for increasing line speeds. There are critical differences at this poultry plant that make comparisons to the USDA’s proposal impossible.

“The report, however, confirms that poultry processing workers suffer extraordinarily high rates of painful and often permanently crippling injuries under current processing line speeds.” Key report findings include the following:

  • Forty-two percent of workers evaluated for the report had evidence of painful and often permanently disabling carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • Moderate or severe mononeuropathy, a type of nerve damage, was found in 80 percent of workers with carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • Reports of hand or wrist symptoms of musculoskeletal disorders from workers on the evisceration line increased from 53 percent of the workers to 62 percent after the evisceration line reconfiguration.
  • NIOSH recommended that the employer design job tasks at the plant so that they are below the recommended repetition threshold limits to minimize the risk for developing carpal tunnel syndrome. NIOSH specifically recommended reducing the speed of processing lines to reduce repetition.

“The findings of the recent NIOSH report do not justify the USDA moving forward with its proposed rule to increase evisceration line speeds and the removal of food safety inspectors from those lines.”

Coalition members include the Center for Effective Government, Center for Progressive Reform, Coalition of Black Trade Unionists, Coalition of Poultry Workers, Food & Water Watch, Midwest Coalition for Human Rights, NAACP, NCLR, Nebraska Appleseed Center for Law in the Public Interest, Northwest Arkansas Worker Justice Center, Oxfam America, the Southern Poverty Law Center, and Western North Carolina Worker Center.


NCLR and ACLU to Host Community Roundtable: Immigration Reform and Benefits for Business



FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                                              Contact:
September 24, 2013                                                                                          Camila Gallardo
                                                                                                                        (305) 215-4259

LOS ANGELES—On Friday, September 27, 2013, NCLR (National Council of La Raza) and ACLU of Sand Diego and Imperial Counties (American Civil Liberties Union) will host a community roundtable to discuss the impact of immigration reform on the business community.  Engaging business leaders, community advocates, and expert panelists, the event will highlight the advantages of passing comprehensive immigration reform that includes a pathway to citizenship for many of the over two million of undocumented immigrants living in California.  There is ample consensus among business groups that legalizing their status will provide an economic windfall that will positively advance the state’s recovering economy.  Legalization would increase the earning power of would-be citizens, in turn, generating additional tax revenue and boosting consumer spending.   

As the United States House of Representatives continues to debate the issue, attendees at the roundtable will engage in constructive dialogue about how to move the issue forward and work together towards a commonsense solution to fix our broken immigration system.  Research conducted by California State University San Marcos that provides up-to-date state projections on the benefit of reform will inform the morning’s discussion. 


WHO:     Panelists:
               Bill de la Fuente, North County Regional Director, Comerciantes Latinos Asociados
               Arcela Nuñez-Alvarez, Ph.D., Research Director, National Latino Research Center, California State University San Marcos
               Susana Serrano, Board Member, National Latina Business Women Association–San Diego
               Elena Cruz, Program Manager, Microcredit Program, La Maestra Community Health Centers

WHAT:    “Immigration Reform and Benefits for Business” Community Roundtable

WHEN:     Friday, September 27, 2013
                 8:30–9:30 a.m.

WHERE:     Oceanside Public Library Civic Center
                   Community Room
                   330 North Coast Highway
                   Oceanside, CA 92054

NCLR—the largest national Hispanic civil rights and advocacy organization in the United States—works to improve opportunities for Hispanic Americans.  For more information on NCLR, please visit www.nclr.org or follow along on Facebook and Twitter.


NCLR Applauds President’s Actions to Close Wage Gaps and End Workplace Discrimination


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                           Contact:
April 8, 2014                                                                                   Joseph Rendeiro
                                                                                                        (202) 776-1566

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Coinciding with National Equal Pay Day, President Obama, earlier today, signed two executive orders aimed at closing the wage gaps for women and minorities who work for federal contractors. The President signed an executive order barring federal contractors from retaliating against employees who discuss or inquire about their salaries. He also directed the Department of Labor to establish new guidelines requiring federal contractors to collect and submit data on worker compensation, including data about sex and race.

“NCLR (National Council of La Raza) applauds the President for continuing his push to end discrimination in the workplace and ensure that all workers are fairly compensated,” said NCLR President and CEO Janet Murguía. “Today’s announcement is a welcomed step for women and minorities, but especially Latinas, who are paid the lowest wages of any race or ethnic group. In fact, Latinas are paid just 54 cents for every dollar paid to white, non-Hispanic males.”

“While this is an important victory, these actions are ultimately limited in scope and will only reach workers employed by federal contractors,” added Murguía. “In order to effectively begin to close the wage gaps for women and minorities that persist in the country, Congress must act by passing legislation that will require all employers to better comply with equal pay laws.”

NCLR—the largest national Hispanic civil rights and advocacy organization in the United States—works to improve opportunities for Hispanic Americans. For more information on NCLR, please visit www.nclr.org or follow along on Facebook and Twitter.


Civil Rights and Housing Groups to Host Convening on Housing Finance System


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                             Contact:
April 10, 2014                                                                                    Joseph Rendeiro
                                                                                                          (202) 776-1566

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Both Democrats and Republicans agree that the current housing finance system is in need of an overhaul. While the Senate Banking Committee has already released a draft of their proposed reform bill, many groups are concerned that this legislation fails to adequately address the needs of Latinos and other underserved communities. Join NCLR (National Council of La Raza), as well as other allies leading the charge to keep homeownership affordable, for a convening about housing finance reform and the implications for communities of color. 

To cover this event, please RSVP to Joseph Rendeiro at jrendeiro@nclr.org or by calling (202) 776-1566.


WHAT:     Rebuilding Our Communities Through Sustainable Homeownership

WHEN:     Wednesday, April 16, 2014

WHERE:   NPR Headquarters
                1111 North Capitol Street, NE
                Studio 1
                Washington, DC 20002


9:00–9:05 a.m. Welcome and Introduction
   - Wade Henderson, President and CEO, Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights

9:05–9:35 a.m. Keynote Address and Q&A
   - Secretary Shaun Donovan, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

9:35–10:15 a.m. Panel Discussion: Getting Housing Reform Right for Communities of Color
   - Janet Murguía, President and CEO, National Council of La Raza
   - Marc Morial, President and CEO, National Urban League
   - Hilary Shelton, Director, Washington Bureau, Senior Vice President for Advocacy and Policy, NAACP
   - Seema Agnani, Former Board Chair, National Coalition for Asian Pacific American Community Development

10:15–11:30 a.m. Panel Discussion: A Closer Look at Johnson-Crapo and the Impact on Communities of Color
   - Enrique Lopezlira, Senior Policy Advisor, National Council of La Raza
   - Nikitra Bailey, Executive Vice President, Center for Responsible Lending
   - Alys Cohen, Attorney, National Consumer Law Center
   - Julia Gordon, Director of Housing Finance and Policy, Center for American Progress

11:30–11:45 a.m. Closing and Wrap-Up

NCLR—the largest national Hispanic civil rights and advocacy organization in the United States—works to improve opportunities for Hispanic Americans. For more information on NCLR, please visit http://www.nclr.org or follow along on Facebook and Twitter.


Civil Rights Groups Highlight the Need for Affordable Mortgage Credit



Joseph Rendeiro
(202) 776-1776

WASHINGTON, D.C.—At a convening to discuss housing finance reform held earlier today, leading civil rights and housing groups echoed concerns raised late last month about access to and affordability of mortgage credit for communities of color. The event, which included a keynote address from Shaun Donovan, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, highlighted the proposed housing finance reform bill from the U.S. Senate Banking Committee. Although speakers unanimously agreed that an overhaul of the housing finance market is needed, they cautioned that the current draft of the bill proposed by Sens. Tim Johnson (D–S.D.) and Mike Crapo (R–Idaho) needs a number of changes to ensure that it provides affordable mortgages to all creditworthy borrowers, including many underserved communities.

“Homeownership is the cornerstone of the American Dream, but the reality is that communities of color are being left behind in the current mortgage market. This is bad for both the future of our communities and the future of the overall economy,” said Janet Murguía, President and CEO of NCLR (National Council of La Raza). “While we’re encouraged to see members of Congress moving forward with housing finance reform in a bipartisan manner, that reform will not succeed unless it works for all American homebuyers.”

Minorities will account for 70 percent of net new households over the next 10 to 20 years and 33 percent of all households by 2020. However, they have historically been disadvantaged in the mortgage market and frequently been the victims of predatory lending practices. The proposed Senate housing finance reform bill does not sufficiently address the inequity that currently exists in the mortgage market, lacks a strong regulatory body and includes down payment requirements that will adversely impact Latinos and other underserved borrowers. It also fails to acknowledge the proven benefits of housing counseling, which research shows to produce lower rates of mortgage delinquency.

“Since the housing crisis, we have seen our communities lose their homes and wealth at astonishing rates,” added Murguía. “Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle need to know how critical access to mortgages and credit are for our communities. Given the changing demographics of the housing market, how well communities of color are served by that market should be of utmost importance to lawmakers.”

NCLR—the largest national Hispanic civil rights and advocacy organization in the United States—works to improve opportunities for Hispanic Americans. For more information on NCLR, please visit www.nclr.org or follow along on Facebook and Twitter.


NCLR Hails Successful Challenge to Block Key Provision of Anti-Immigrant SB 1070




Joseph Rendeiro
(202) 776-1566

Supreme Court upholds lawsuit led by NCLR Affiliate Valle del Sol and other Latino leaders in Arizona

Yesterday, the U.S. Supreme Court denied review of a provision in Arizona’s anti-immigrant law, SB 1070, which would have made it illegal to transport or harbor undocumented immigrants. The provision had been blocked by the U.S. District Court in Phoenix in 2012, an injunction that was later upheld by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.

“The decision by the U.S. Supreme Court to uphold this injunction unequivocally affirms what we have known to be true since this law was passed in 2010: SB 1070 is an unconstitutional infringement on the civil rights of all Arizonans,” said Janet Murguía, President and CEO of NCLR (National Council of La Raza). “This legislation is a reckless attempt to make racial profiling and discrimination the law of the land in Arizona, tarnishing the state’s reputation and needlessly costing millions of dollars to defend it in the courts. We applaud the efforts of our Affiliates in Arizona, including the lead plaintiff in this court case, Valle del Sol, and the supporting plaintiff, Arizona Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, as well as our allies throughout the state. They have all tirelessly pushed back against this legislation in order to ensure that all Arizonans, especially Latinos, are treated by law enforcement fairly, with dignity and respect.”


Education, Health Care and Voter Engagement Top Agenda at NCLR California Latino Policy Summit



Camila Gallardo
(305) 215-4259

Event brings over 100 of California’s top Latino nonprofit leaders for a day of policy discussions and training

LOS ANGELES—Today NCLR (National Council of La Raza) kicks off the NCLR California Latino Policy Summit in Sacramento, Calif. For the fifth consecutive year, NCLR has gathered leaders from its California Affiliate Network of community-based organizations to engage in policy discussions on how to protect and expand opportunities for Latino families throughout the state. California is home to over 60 NCLR Affiliate groups who provide a variety of critical services in job training, health care, education, immigration and housing, among others.

The ambitious full-day agenda includes policy discussions and training sessions on electoral empowerment and voter registration, Common Core State Standards implementation, Affordable Care Act enrollment, the impact of crime and criminal justice policies and the implementation of recently passed housing reform, the historic California Homeowner Bill of Rights. The NCLR California Latino Policy Summit provides Affiliate leaders with access to information and tools that strengthen their services, and it is also an opportunity for groups to share best practices and build closer ties that will help them work more collaboratively and effectively toward our common goal of elevating the Latino community.

“Every day our Affiliate leaders see the impact of Sacramento’s policy decisions in their communities. Through their front doors they see California as it is now, and they see its future. For this reason, it’s critical to include the expertise of our Affiliate executive directors in policy development. The NCLR California Latino Policy Summit identifies policy solutions that will keep the state moving forward,” said Delia de la Vara, Vice President, California Region, NCLR.

With more than 14 million Latinos, California is home to the nation’s largest Latino population; moreover, as projected by the governor’s office just last month, Latinos have become the largest single ethnic group in the state. Today Latinos make up 39 percent of the state’s total population, and this proportion rises further when considering that one out of every two school children in the state is Latino. Given the significant demographic shift taking place, discussions about the concerns and opportunities impacting California’s Latino families are critical to the future of the state.

“Engaging our Affiliate leaders, and connecting them to policymakers in Sacramento is one way of ensuring that the Latino community has access to quality education and health care and that Latinos facing foreclosure can keep their homes. Together, we are working to cultivate a culture of civic engagement which will ensure that their voices are heard on the vital policy issues that directly affect them,” concluded de la Vara.

NCLR—the largest national Hispanic civil rights and advocacy organization in the United States—works to improve opportunities for Hispanic Americans. For more information on NCLR, please visit www.nclr.org or follow along on Facebook and Twitter. #NCLRCA


NCLR Urges Latinos to Take Advantage of Historic Opportunity to Purchase Health Coverage




Joseph Rendeiro
(202) 776-1566

Today, millions of Latinos across the country will be able to purchase health insurance for the first time as open enrollment begins in the new health insurance marketplaces. Applicants for health insurance will be given the opportunity to compare and choose between private market plans in order to gain coverage that begins on January 1, 2014. NCLR (National Council of La Raza) will be working tirelessly to urge all eligible consumers to take advantage of this historic opportunity, which has the potential to drastically increase health care coverage among Latinos.

“Latinos have so much to gain through these new options, and NCLR will be using every free resource to ensure that the community has the full opportunity to access health coverage,” said Janet Murguía, President and CEO of NCLR. “The opening of the marketplaces marks a turning point for millions of Latinos who work incredibly hard but either aren’t offered coverage options or simply can’t afford health insurance. By finally giving them a place to go, we are giving Latinos the power to take care of their health care needs.”

In 2012, more than 15.5 million Latinos, including 2.5 million children, were uninsured. Despite having high workforce participation rates, Latinos are the least likely racial or ethnic group to be offered coverage through their employer.

However, within the first few years of implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), conservative estimates indicate that at least six million nonelderly Hispanics will gain access to coverage. Latinos could see an almost 20 percent jump in insurance rates after full implementation.

“It is vitally important that we protect the gains that Latinos and all Americans have made under this law. The ACA is already delivering for Latinos, and there will be millions more who will benefit from affordable health coverage,” Murguía added.

To learn more about how to apply, visit www.nclr.org/basicsofhcr.


NCLR Insta a los Latinos Que Tomen Ventaja de la Oportunidad de Obtener Cobertura Médica


PARA DIVULGACIÓN INMEDIATA                                      Contacto: 
1 de octubre, 2013                                                             Joseph Rendeiro
                                                                                          (202) 776-1566
WASHINGTON, D.C.—Hoy, millones de Latinos en el país tendrán la oportunidad de comprar seguro médico por primera vez gracias al comienzo del periodo de inscripción de los mercados de intercambio de seguro médico.  Los que aplican para el seguro médico tendrán la oportunidad de elegir entre planes del mercado privado para poder obtener la cobertura que comienza el 1 de enero, 2014.  El NCLR (Consejo Nacional de La Raza por sus siglas en inglés) estará trabajando incansablemente para instar a los consumidores elegibles que tomen ventaja de esta oportunidad histórica que podrá incrementar drásticamente la cobertura entre la comunidad hispana. 

“Los latinos tienen mucho que ganar a través de estas nuevas opciones y el NCLR utilizará cada recurso gratuito para asegurar que la comunidad tenga pleno acceso a la cobertura médica,” dijo Janet Murguía, Presidenta y Gerente General del NCLR.  “La apertura de estos mercados marca un momento significativo para los latinos que trabajan muy duro pero no son ofrecidos opciones de cobertura médica o simplemente no tienen los recursos para obtenerlo.  Al fin tendrán un lugar donde acudir y tener la posibilidad de cuidar de su salud.”

En el 2012, más de 15.5 millones de latinos, incluyendo a 2.5 millones de niños hispanos, carecían de seguro médico.  Aunque representan un segmento activo de la fuerza laboral, los hispanos son el grupo que son menos propensos a ser ofrecidos cobertura a través de su empleador. 

Sin embargo, dentro de los primeros años de la implementación de la ACA (Acto de Cuidado de Salud Asequible por sus siglas en inglés), los estimados indican que al menos seis millones de hispanos no-ancianos tendrán acceso a cobertura.  Los latinos podrían ver un incremento de casi 20 por ciento en tasas de seguro después de la implementación completa de la ley. 

“Es vital que protejamos las ganancias para los latinos y para todos los americanos bajo esta ley.  La ACA ya está beneficiando a los latinos, y millones más beneficiarán de cobertura médica asequible como resultado,” concluyó Murguía. 

Para aprender cómo aplicar, visite www.nclr.org/basicsofhcr.

El NCLR (Consejo Nacional de La Raza) es la organización nacional más grande de apoyo y defensa de los derechos civiles de los hispanos en los Estados Unidos y trabaja para mejorar sus oportunidades.  Para más información sobre el NCLR, por favor visite www.nclr.org o síganos en Facebook y Twitter.


NCLR: Senate Missed an Opportunity to Help the American Workforce by Raising the Minimum Wage




Joseph Rendeiro
(202) 776-1566

Earlier today, the U.S. Senate took a procedural vote on the “Minimum Wage Fairness Act” (S. 2223), legislation that would raise the federal minimum wage from $7.25 per hour to $10.10 per hour by the year 2016. The bill would also adjust the minimum wage each year to keep pace with the rising cost of living beginning in 2016 and substantially raise the minimum wage for tipped workers, who currently earn just $2.13 per hour. NCLR (National Council of La Raza) is disappointed that the bill failed to move forward within the chamber, despite the broad bipartisan support that exists among the majority of Americans who favor raising the federal minimum wage.

“As the fastest-growing segment of the American workforce, Latinos understand the value of hard work. Unfortunately, there are far too many hardworking individuals in this country who struggle to provide basic necessities for their families because they aren’t paid decent, livable wages,” said Janet Murguía, President and CEO of NCLR. “The Senate had the opportunity to remedy this situation and instead turned its back on the millions of American workers who needed this wage boost to help lift themselves out of poverty. It’s past time that our lawmakers listen to the American people, who overwhelmingly support raising the minimum wage to a level that respects and rewards hard work.”

Although Latinos are overrepresented in several high-growth occupations, those occupations also tend to pay below-median wages, leaving full-time workers unable to cover basic family needs. Raising the federal minimum wage to $10.10 would boost wages for nearly 28 million workers, including approximately seven million Latinos. The legislation would also be a boon to the economy, increasing consumer spending and spurring job growth.


NCLR Calls on House of Representatives to “Spring into Action” on Immigration Reform




Joseph Rendeiro
(202) 776-1776

The House of Representatives is scheduled to be in session for three weeks throughout May. But according to a memo sent by Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R–Va.) late last week, there are no plans to move immigration reform forward during May. Despite calls from constituents and lawmakers in both parties to make this issue a priority, immigration reform was conspicuously absent from the memo, which outlined Cantor’s legislative agenda for this month. Dismayed by the refusal to advance immigration reform legislation in the House of Representatives, NCLR (National Council of La Raza) is calling on House Republican leadership to “Spring into Action” by moving forward with immigration reform during May’s congressional work period.

“If Majority Leader Cantor is serious about ‘building an America that works,’ then he should swiftly rethink his agenda. Continuing to ignore the problems within our immigration system is counterproductive to improving this country’s economic and social well-being,” said Janet Murguía, President and CEO of NCLR. “We have an opportunity to create thousands of new jobs in every congressional district and add billions of dollars in additional income for all Americans over the next decade. But that requires passing immigration reform. With a dwindling window of opportunity to get this legislation passed, now is the time for House leadership to spring into action and do what their colleagues in the Senate did nearly one year ago—work together to create and pass bipartisan legislation that restores order and stability to our broken immigration system.”


NCLR Applauds Passage of Florida In-State Tuition Bill



Camila Gallardo
(305) 215-4259

New law will improve college access for undocumented students and yield rewards for the state 

MIAMI—Today, joining 19 other states that have approved similar legislation, the Florida House of Representatives passed H.B. 851, a bill that would dramatically improve college access for undocumented students who graduate from Florida high schools by allowing them to pay the same in-state tuition rate as their peers. Governor Rick Scott, who has publicly endorsed the measure, is expected to sign the bill into law.

The bill has faced opposition in the deeply divided Florida Senate, which had blocked similar measures in previous legislative sessions, but after months of visits, calls, and impassioned pleas by students and advocacy groups, such as NCLR Affiliate Redlands Christian Migrant Association (RCMA), a bipartisan group of legislators broke through the gridlock and gained successful passage.

“We are incredibly pleased with the passage of H.B. 851, a bill that will provide our students the ability to turn their college dreams into reality. This is a win-win for all involved—these talented young people will be able continue their involvement in their communities, and Florida will gain from their contributions to the state’s economy and progress,” said Barbara Mainster, Executive Director, RCMA. “Dreams can become reality as more bright high school graduates pursue a college education.”

NCLR—the largest national Hispanic civil rights and advocacy organization in the United States—works to improve opportunities for Latinos. For more information on NCLR, please visit www.nclr.org, or follow along on Facebook and Twitter.


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