Camila Gallardo
(305) 573-7329/cell: (305) 215-4259
Despite upturn in job market, Latinos continue to face unique obstacles to gainful employment
ORLANDO, Fla.—Today, NCLR (National Council of La Raza) held a roundtable discussion centered on the findings of a forthcoming report, “Now Hiring? Latinos and the Job Creation Policies of the South Atlantic.” Prominent Florida community, business and elected leaders discussed how state policymakers and business leaders can ensure job creation policies tap the full potential of Hispanics, a group expected to comprise 18 percent of the U.S. labor force by 2018. Participants talked about how to increase the competitiveness of Latino workers and to integrate support for Latino-owned businesses into statewide job creation efforts, among other issues.
“As employment rises, strong leadership on behalf of local decision-makers to address barriers to employment will be critical to ensuring economic recovery and prosperity for both the South Atlantic region and our nation,” said Alicia Criado, Policy Associate, Economic and Employment Policy Project, NCLR, and author of the report. Participants agreed that Hispanics are a significant part of this country’s economic engine, and state lawmakers must seize the opportunity to build upon what is working and change what is not to meet the needs of an evolving labor market and ensure that America has a qualified pool of workers to hire.”
For additional information regarding the report, please contact Alicia Criado at