NCLR Commends Obama Administration’s Hispanic Farmer Relief Package
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Julian Teixeira (202) 776-1812 WASHINGTON, D.C.—NCLR today praised the Obama administration for offering a relief package to a group of Hispanic...
View ArticleNCLR Convenes Local Leaders to Discuss Effects of Job Policies on Florida Voters
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Camila Gallardo (305) 573-7329/cell: (305) 215-4259 Despite upturn in job market, Latinos continue to face unique obstacles to gainful employment...
View ArticleFive Ways School Leaders Can Improve Achievement Among Latino Students
By Delia Pompa, Senior Vice President, Programs, NCLR (This was first posted on the Education Nation Blog as part of NBC's special week-long program.) Overview: School leaders and teachers are both...
View ArticleDid Romney Miss an Opportunity to Set Himself Apart on Housing?
Last week, Univision hosted a Spanish-language forum with Governor Mitt Romney on Wednesday and President Obama on Thursday. The presidential candidates spoke to Latino families about immigration,...
View ArticleNCLR Examines How Innovative Loan Programs Help Immigrants Become Citizens
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Julian Teixeira (202) 776-1812 High application fees a major barrier to citizenship, especially for unbanked immigrants WASHINGTON, D.C.—NCLR...
View ArticleNCLR estudia como los programas innovadores de prestamos ayudan a los...
PARA DIVULGACIÓN INMEDIATA Contacto: Julián Teixeira (202) 776-1812 El alto costo de la solicitud es la principal barrera para convertirse en ciudadanos, especialmente para los...
View ArticleWe’re Tweeting the Presidential Debate This Week!
The first of three presidential debates is this Wednesday in Denver. We’re joining several other groups for a tweet chat during the debate. Join the conversation using #BeLatino before the debate to...
View ArticleNCLR Forum Highlights Strategies for Strengthening Latino Workforce
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact Julian Teixiera (202) 674-1522 LOS ANGELES—Latinos make up the fastest-growing segment of the American workforce, accounting for more than 14.2 percent...
View ArticleNCLR Applauds Court Ruling to Ensure the Right to Vote for All Pennsylvania...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Camila Gallardo (305) 573-7329/cell: (305) 215-4259 Judge rules against one of the strictest voter ID laws in the country WASHINGTON, D.C.—Today, NCLR...
View ArticleLatino Unemployment Drops While Workplace Fatalities Rise in 2011
By Ricky Garza, Communications Department, NCLR For the first time in almost four years, national unemployment dropped below 8 percent to 7.8 percent in September. Although this is good news for all...
View ArticleMore Jobs, New Laws, and a Debate: This Week in Social Media
[View the story "More Jobs, New Laws, and a Debate: This Week in Social Media" on Storify]More Jobs, New Laws, and a Debate: This Week in Social MediaStorified by NCLR · Sun, Oct 07 2012 10:43:29This...
View ArticleCésar E. Chávez to be Memorialized with National Monument
Today the president will unveil the César E. Chávez National Monument in Keene, Calif. The monument’s home will be at one of our esteemed Affiliates, the César E. Chávez Foundation. Watch the...
View ArticleNCLR Celebrates Establishment of César E. Chávez National Monument
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Camila Gallardo (305) 573-7329/cell: (305) 215-4259 NCLR leadership on hand to honor life of civil rights trailblazer at inaugural ceremony KEENE,...
View ArticleThe Chavez National Monument Honors the Man and the Latino Workers He Championed
By Janet Murguía, President and CEO, NCLR In a moving ceremony this week, President Barack Obama designated the home and final resting place of one of the Latino community’s greatest icons, Cesar...
View ArticleForum to Address How Presidential Candidates’ Proposals Could Change Social...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: October 15, 2012 Aldira Aldape, Centro Hispano Milwaukee/Council for the Spanish Speaking,...
View ArticleForo Para Tratar Las Propuestas Presidenciales que Podrian Cambiar el Seguro...
PARA DIVULGACIÓN INMEDIATA Contactos: 15 de octubre, 2012 Aldira Aldape, Centro Hispano Milwaukee/Council for the Spanish...
View ArticleGet Properly Prepared for Election Day
With voter suppression laws popping up all over the country, knowing what you can and can’t do on Election Day can be confusing—or even discouraging. It doesn’t have to be this way. With just a few...
View ArticleThe Voter Registration Clock is Ticking in Three States Today
If you live in Nevada, Maryland or New Jersey today is your last chance to register to vote. Use the tool below to register now and be sure to go to the polls on Election Day, November 6! Or, visit...
View ArticleAdvocates Demand Presidential Candidates Share Detailed Plans to Address...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Joseph Rendeiro (202) 776-1566 Local community groups deliver more than 35,000 signatures to campaign headquarters WASHINGTON, D.C.—Frustrated by...
View ArticleLatinos de Mayor Edad se Preocupan por los Recortes Inminentes al Seguro...
PARA DIVULGACIÓN INMEDIATA PARA MÁS INFORMACIÓN: 18 de octubre, 2012 Aldira Aldape, Centro Hispano Milwaukee/ Council for the Spanish...
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